
INDARSINGH: As Imbert Boast of Economic Recovery 100 CARIDOC Workers Sent Home

I note with deep concern reports that close to one hundred (100) workers from Caribbean Dockyard and Engineering Services Limited (Caridoc) have been given letters of temporary dismissal by the company’s management following a meeting with the affected workers yesterday. I...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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Moonilal: Rowley should be held personally liable for failed Las Alturas project

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley should be held personally liable for the $30 million debt owed by a Chinese construction company to the Housing Development Corporation. So, too, must Noel Garcia, who chaired Housing Development Corporation at the time of the failed Las Alturas...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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MP Lee: Is Heritage sacrificing Infrastructure integrity for profit?

Weekend’s oil spill in Fyzabad has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the key assets such as pipelines, equipment and all infrastructure, specifically those running through residential communities, utilized by Heritage Petroleum Ltd to the point that we must ask as a...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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PADARATH: Minister Callous and Uninformed about Pregnant Girls at Children’s Homes

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed Minister Ayanna Webster-Roy for being clueless and callous regarding the circumstances surrounding the two pregnant teenage girls at Children’s Homes in the country. Padarath stated whether it is by design or ignorance, the...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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Opposition Leader: Al-Rawi’s incompetence and lies will be exposed

Faris’s antics over the “news” about the Piarco civil corruption cases in the US courts would be amusing if it disclosed anything new, noteworthy or even newsworthy. Al-Rawi is known for his outrageous lies in this matter. What Al-Rawi should be addressing however is the fact...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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Charles: Kamla was right to request inquiry into Brent Thomas abduction

Kamla Persad Bissessar was correct, and Professor Andy Knight entirely wrong in his false and outdated comment that she was “out of line” to write PM Mia Mottley. According to Professor Knight, there is only one government in TT and Dr Rowley as TT’s Prime Minister is the only...
Posted On 15 May 2023
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Opposition Leader Mother’s Day Message

I take this opportunity to extend warm greetings to all mothers of our beloved Trinidad and Tobago. Motherhood requires tremendous dedication and sacrifice, and we are all grateful for the love and guidance that you provide to your children and families. You are truly the pillar...
Posted On 14 May 2023
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Opposition Leader writes to CARICOM re Brent Thomas fiasco

The Opposition Leader the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has written to CARICOM Secretary General Dr Carla Barnett, and copied to CARICOM Chairman, the Honourable Philip Davis, and Executive Director, CARICOM IMPACS, Lt. Col. Michael Jones, re the illegal abduction of...
Posted On 13 May 2023
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Please take note that the United National Congress (UNC) will commence screening of the hundreds of persons who filed nominations to represent the UNC at the upcoming Local Government Election as Councillors and Aldermen. Further, in response to the numerous requests from others...
Posted On 13 May 2023
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Kamla to Rowley: call the local government elections now

The country is overwhelmed by murders, home invasions, robberies, unemployment, poverty, increasing food costs and declining living standards. These are the issues that the government should be concentrating on instead of attempting to suppress transparency, freedom of speech,...
Posted On 12 May 2023
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UNC extends condolences to the family of Patrick Arnold

The United National Congress sends it condolences and deepest sympathies to the family of Patrick Arnold, who passed away on Tuesday night. Patrick Arnold was most well-known as President of Pan Trinbago (1996-2009), but he also served as Mt. St. George Deputy director, a past...
Posted On 11 May 2023
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Opposition Leader writes to Barbados PM on Brent Thomas matter

The abduction of a Trinidad and Tobago national from Barbados by three members of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service represents a serious breach of the rule of law and the constitutional rights of a citizen of this country. Despite the court judgement by Justice Devendra...
Posted On 11 May 2023
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