Indian Arrival Day Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla

My fellow citizens. Today marks a national occasion that reminds us of the indomitable strength of the human spirit, especially in times of challenges and adversity. The commemoration of 170 years since the first arrival of East Indians in Trinidad & Tobago is a special one...
Posted On 30 May 2015
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New Maloney Police Station opens

Government is strengthening national security in an effort “to win back communities.” This, from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as she opened the new Maloney Police Station on Thursday afternoon. Speaking at the ceremony, she said her Government has taken steps...
Posted On 29 May 2015
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New Coast Guard vessel sails in

THE Coast Guard’s newest weapon in the fight against the illegal gun and narcotics trade in our territorial waters was formally unveiled yesterday by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar during a viewing ceremony at the International Waterfront, Port-of-Spain. The TTS Point...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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Work begins on $B Point Hospital

HEALTH Minister Fuad Khan yesterday turned the sod to begin construction of the $1.2 billion Point Fortin Hospital at Egypt Village Point Fortin. For many years, constituents of the south western peninsula have been waiting on a new hospital to be built and yesterday they turned...
Posted On 22 May 2015
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Emailgate closed – Victory for PM and Government

The Integrity Commission has decided to close the emailgate affair, leading Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to claim a major victory for her office. In a letter to the Prime Minister’s attorney, Senior Counsel Israel Khan yesterday, the Commission informed that “pursuant to...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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UNC to negotiate seats with partners

ONLY after the nomination process is over will the United National Congress meet with it coalition partners for negotiations over seat allocations. UNC chairman Kadijha Ameen said yesterday, only the best man or woman will be nominated to contest the seat for the partnership. “We...
Posted On 18 May 2015
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Mother’s Day Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Fellow citizens, today marks a very special commemoration on our calendar of observances. On behalf of my family, the government and on my own behalf, I recognize, celebrate and express my sincere gratitude to all the mothers of Trinidad and Tobago. For most of us, it is the...
Posted On 10 May 2015
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$1.9M Morvant pavilion upgrade

THE East Port-of-Spain Development Corporation has handed over to the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation a $1.9-million upgraded pavilion and other facilities at the Morvant Recreation Ground. The works done by a contractor from the community, Aqucan Construction Company...
Posted On 06 May 2015
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PM opens road, police station

AS IF TO underline her promise that her legacy would not be in construction of tall buildings, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar spent the better half of yesterday opening two new projects — the $400.5 million St Mary’s junction to Grant’s Road, Rousillac segment of the San...
Posted On 30 Apr 2015
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Babies born six months ago are to get a gift of a “backpay” in a $100 million initiative to help parents cover the expenses of caring for children in the first year of their life. Once born on October 1, 2014 and after, babies will benefit from a $500 a month grant under the Baby...
Posted On 24 Apr 2015
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Royal Dutch Shell firmly commits to continued investment in TT

Royal Dutch Shell yesterday gave a firm commitment to continued investment in the local energy sector, and a stronger, reinforced partnership with Trinidad and Tobago. Shell’s chief executive officer (CEO), Ben van Beurden, gave this assurance yesterday during a meeting with...
Posted On 23 Apr 2015
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T&T moves up the ranks in global ICT

T&T ranks 70th in the latest World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Information Technology Report (GITR). The 14th edition of the report, a comprehensive assessment of how prepared an economy is to apply the benefits of ICTs to promote economic growth and well-being, was...
Posted On 17 Apr 2015
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