
Kamla visits flood affected areas – calls for greater coordination of relief efforts

Political Leader of the United National Congress and Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, today visited several communities in her constituency which have been affected by flooding following three days of persistent rainfall. Speaking to reporters as she...
Posted On 20 Oct 2017
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Kamla calls on the Prime Minister to take action to deal with flood disaster

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is criticizing the Government’s slow response to the growing flood emergency in several areas of Trinidad and Tobago, following heavy rainfall on Wednesday 18th October, 2017, and continuing today. Mrs. Persad-Bissessar...
Posted On 19 Oct 2017
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Divali Greetings from the Leader of the Opposition

I am delighted to send best wishes to my fellow citizens on the joyous occasion of Diwali. As people across our beloved nation gather to illuminate their homes, their communities and their hearts, I wish Mother Lakshmi’s blessings on each and every one of you and your loved ones....
Posted On 17 Oct 2017
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Pause the doubles for a cause

During the Divali celebrations at the Divali Nagar on October 14th, five teenagers from across the Caribbean were so motivated and excited by the visit of the UNC political leader Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar, that they put a halt to the hot and tasty doubles to pose for a picture...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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Twenty-nine years ago today, the United National Congress (UNC) was born

Today, October 16, is an historic day for our party. On this day 29 years ago, tens of thousands of citizens stood in the rain at Aranguez Savannah and gave Mr. Basdeo Panday the mandate to establish the United National Congress. It was the culmination of months of work by a...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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The Opposition asks: What’s so special about Faris?

The Opposition notes with growing concern the rampant internal corruption that has reared its ugly head in the bosom of the Rowley PNM and it condemns the selective and convenient invocation of principles and ethics by the political leader and Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley. In...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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Kamla to Government: Focus on the issues, stop disrespecting women

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is urging the Government to focus on addressing the problems facing the country, and to stop disrespecting the women of Trinidad and Tobago. Speaking at the Divali Nagar event on Saturday 14th October, 2017, Mrs...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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Opposition Leader Extends Greetings to First People

On behalf of the Opposition, I extend greetings and best wishes to all citizens, on the occasion of this one-off commemorative day to mark the significant contribution and impact of the First Peoples on Trinidad and Tobago. We often boast in Trinidad and Tobago of our rainbow...
Posted On 13 Oct 2017
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Message from Leader of the Opposition on International Day of the Girl Child

On this International Day of the Girl Child, I express my hope for a brighter future for our nation’s children, and to see our young girls become more empowered and confident in their ability to take charge of their destiny. Today, Trinidad and Tobago joins the global community...
Posted On 11 Oct 2017
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Moonilal: Backward and heartless to scrap Land for the Landless programme

The decision of the Rowley regime to scrap the successful and innovative Land for the Landless programme is a typically backward and heartless move of an uncaring and reckless government. The programme was carefully designed to promote the ethos of land and home ownership and to...
Posted On 11 Oct 2017
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Kamla to Minister Stuart Young: Come clean on NGC Dividends

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is accusing the Keith Rowley-led Government of misleading the population by inaccurate statements made in the Parliament regarding NGC dividends utilized by the People’s Partnership administration, compared to the PNM...
Posted On 08 Oct 2017
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Former Transport Minister Knocks Junior Minister Young Misleading Information about the Galicia

Now reading about Junior Minister Stuart Young’s contribution to the Budget debate and his referencing the MV SuperFast Galicia. I have always thought that if you do not know then ask, and always surround yourself with people plenty brighter than you which in my case is not...
Posted On 08 Oct 2017
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