Kamla to receive “Women of Distinction” Award

Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the United National Congress, KamlaPersad-Bissessar, SC, MP, will be presented with the 2017 ‘Women of Distinction’ Award, at Celebrating Women International’s 2017 Awards Presentation and Gala Reception in Nassau, The Bahamas. The...
Posted On 29 Nov 2017
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Tim Knocks former EFCL Chairman Arnold Piggott Non-Appearance before the JSC

The crude and brazen decision of former Education Facilities Company Ltd’s (EFCL) Chairman Arnold Piggott to refuse to appear before a parliamentary Joint Select Committee (JSC) is characteristic of the contemptuous and arrogant Rowley regime. Mr. Piggott not only ignored a...
Posted On 22 Nov 2017
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Moonilal responds to the EMBDC Claim: It a continuation of a campaign of political persecution

Today I became fully aware of a High Court claim filed by the Estate Business Development Company (EBDC) against me and others. Remarkably the EMBDC has now taken court action against 10 entities including their own employees and contractors. A state company that could not...
Posted On 21 Nov 2017
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Universal Children’s Day 2017

Our nation’s children are our most precious resource, and they must be protected, nurtured, and inspired to become the leaders of tomorrow. As Trinidad and Tobago joins the international community in commemorating Universal Children’s Day, on November 20, 2017, I call upon all...
Posted On 20 Nov 2017
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Makeda Antoine’s diplomatic appointment proves PNM manifesto’s deceit

Despite 2015 PNM manifesto promises that: “….posting to our embassies and consulates should not be seen as a mere reward for supporters of the party in government, but must be the front line of projecting the interests of Trinidad and Tobago internationally”, we are once...
Posted On 14 Nov 2017
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Dr Moonilal: Government has failed to deliver housing

The hopes of over 100,000 citizens have been dashed by the remarkable betrayal of the Rowley led PNM government with the dramatic announcement that citizens should build their own houses. The government has thrown its hands in the air and surrendered. This spells the death knell...
Posted On 11 Nov 2017
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Dr Moonilal Calls for Urgent Action in the Wake of Leptospirosis Outbreak

I call on the authorities to undertake emergency spraying of the affected areas in the midst of the 14 cases, including two fatalities, as a result of an outbreak of leptospirosis. There is now a great risk of a rapid spread of the rat-borne disease and, as a result, I ask for...
Posted On 11 Nov 2017
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MP Bodoe Calls for Urgent Restoration of Siparia Union Presbyterian School

The MP for Fyzabad, Dr Lackram Bodoe regrets the occurrence of the electrical fire that gutted the temporary wing that accommodated the four Standard Five classes at the Siparia Union Presbyterian School. As it stands now over 350 pupils are being deprived of their fundamental...
Posted On 07 Nov 2017
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UNC Chairman takes Vasant to task over “UNC can’t win” comment

“I take issue with statements attributed to Mr. Bharath, in which he made the absurd claim that the UNC would not win a General Election if it were called now,” Dr. Lee said. “This, coming from a person who has not been active in any of the party’s arms, committees, and has not...
Posted On 06 Nov 2017
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MP Charles challenges Rowley: Stop blaming the UNC. Tell us your plans for returning terrorists

  Unable to develop concrete policies to deal with home grown terrorism including the issue of returning terrorists, PM Rowley has once again resorted to spinning untruths and blaming the UNC for his government’s many failings on the crime and terrorism fronts. Last Friday,...
Posted On 30 Oct 2017
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Oropouche West declares full support for Kamla

The Oropouche West Constituency Executive and the Oropouche West Youth Arm along with Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Ms. Vida Gayadeen – Gopeesingh pledge our full support to Hon. Kamla – Perasd – Bissessar SC, MP. in her aim of achieving Political Leadership of...
Posted On 30 Oct 2017
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Keith Rowley wrong on EBC appointment process

Keith Rowley seems bent on continuing to try to mislead the public and “blame Kamla” in order to divert attention from his own incompetence and that of his Government. In his haste to once again disparage the Opposition, Rowley twisted the facts on the appointment of one of the...
Posted On 29 Oct 2017
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