
The Government needs to come clean about the Implementation Committee and its members

  Unfortunately today, corruption is apparent and widespread in government agencies and public enterprises. Our country is plagued, yet again by a PNM administration that promotes nepotism and wasting money. Last Thursday the Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister,...
Posted On 17 Jan 2018
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MP Moonilal and councillor Kumarie Kuarsingh Joins Parents and Students in Protest for Completion of Ramai Trace Hindu School

In joining the hundreds of students, parents and villagers of the Ramai trace area this morning in protest, I wish to appeal once again to the Ministry of Education to end the daily misery of 271 students by opening the Ramai Trace Hindu Primary School. For the past three years,...
Posted On 15 Jan 2018
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Opposition Leader Pays Tribute to former President Max Richards in The House of Representatives

Please see below and attached, tribute to former President George Maxwell Richards, TC, CM, delivered by the Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP during today’s sitting of the House of Representatives. Check against delivery. Madam Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity...
Posted On 12 Jan 2018
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$7.2 Billion but No Money for Tea and Water at Ministry of Education

The stunning revelation that the Ministry of Education has terminated the basic courtesy of a tea service at meetings typifies the rank incompetence of Minister Anthony Garcia, who is presiding over a $7.2 billion annual budget. The shameful and unprecedented decline in the...
Posted On 12 Jan 2018
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Leader of the Opposition calls for meeting with Government to propose bi-partisan approach to crime legislation

“We must put the safety, security and protection of our people first. It is our paramount responsibility to them and we must do all in our power to discharge that responsibility.” Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is calling for a meeting with the...
Posted On 11 Jan 2018
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Padarath Slams Garcia on Princes Town East Secondary, Accuses Gov’t of Spite, Malice and Discrimination

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Education Minister Anthony Garcia for the deplorable conditions that continue to exist at the Princes Town East Secondary School which now makes it unsuitable and unsafe for students to occupy. Padarath stated that for the past seven months...
Posted On 11 Jan 2018
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Kamla to Rowley: You’re in charge, man up and take responsibility

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, issues a clarion call to Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to man up to his responsibilities as Prime Minister and stop the blame game, because it will not bring any comfort and security to terrified citizens. You were red and ready and...
Posted On 10 Jan 2018
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Kamla Signs President Nomination

If ever there was a time that Trinidad and Tobago needed people to unite it is now. In accepting the invitation of the government last week to have discussions with respect to the nomination of our country’s next President, I noted the importance of this decision at this time for...
Posted On 08 Jan 2018
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A Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the State of the Nation

As we begin 2018 the storm clouds are gathering: should the government not rethink its plans and re-order its priorities, the Government will take Trinidad and Tobago into a perfect storm.   The start of a new year is often a time for reflection, mature assessment and planning...
Posted On 07 Jan 2018
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Kamla: Opposition to consider Government’s Presidential nominee

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, described today’s meeting with Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and his team to discuss the nomination of an individual for the position of President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as “cordial and productive.” Mrs....
Posted On 05 Jan 2018
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Kamla: Proposed candidate for President must be independent

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has indicated that the Opposition is willing to work with the Government to ensure that the proposed candidate for the President is a person who is impartial, will prevent excesses and abuses by the Executive, and one who...
Posted On 04 Jan 2018
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New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition

As we welcome the New Year, we look back on the lessons of the past year, reflect on the possibilities and opportunities that may come, and we renew our commitment to working together to make our communities and our country better for all. The start of a New Year is an...
Posted On 31 Dec 2017
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