
UNC PRO: Heads should roll over the near disaster on the Water Taxi

The United National Congress (UNC) is appalled by the Government’s dismissive response by the Government regarding the endangerment of more than 50 people on board the Water Taxi on its way from Tobago to Trinidad yesterday. In a statement, today the Party’s PRO Senator...
Posted On 28 Mar 2018
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MP for Oropouche West: Government needs to come clean about the St. Augustine Nurseries

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen Gopeesingh is questioning the decision of the PNM to replace thousands of fruit trees with houses at the St. Augustine Nurseries, in light of the discovery of the Citrus Greening disease. In a release issued on...
Posted On 27 Mar 2018
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Tim: Mr. Garcia, the most bungling, non-performing and destructive Education Minister

With the dramatic collapse of the life-and-death sectors of national security and health, the nation’s attention has not been sufficiently focused on the dismantling of the vital education field. But it is critical that Trinidad and Tobago – and especially the vested education...
Posted On 25 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Smith must clear the air on sex suit allegations

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath is calling on Sport and Youth Affairs Minister Daryl Smith to clear the air on information making its way into the public domain as it relates to allegations, that the Ministry of Sport used tax payers funds to settle a claim of sexual harassment...
Posted On 25 Mar 2018
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UNC Calls for Minister Dillon to Step Down or be Fired

The United National Congress is disturbed by allegations of fraud and misconduct levelled against yet another member of the Keith Rowley administration. The reports in the media which alleged that the Minister of National Security, Edmund Dillon was brought before the US Supreme...
Posted On 23 Mar 2018
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Padarath: Shame and Disgrace! after ten months of opening, No accreditation for Lara Stadium

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath described the answer given by the Acting Minister of Sport that the Brian Lara Stadium has no accreditation after ten months of being opened as a Shame and Disgrace. Padarath asked in the Parliament today whether the Stadium has received...
Posted On 21 Mar 2018
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UNC calls for clarity on renewal of Cabo Star lease

Members of the Opposition held a briefing today, Sunday 18th March 2018 to discuss issues regarding the Trinidad to Tobago seabrdidge. Tabaquite MP Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan, Couva North MP, Ms. Ramona Ramdial and Senator and UNC Public Relations Officer, Ms. Anita Haynes...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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Charles calls for greater transparency in Sandals deal

Despite growing protests regionally against the Sandals “plantation model” of tourism development and repeated warnings that it is failing the region, Dr. Rowley seems hell bent on giving away our patrimony to Butch Stewart. Negotiations are couched in secrecy and...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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Rowley moves from blame Kamla to blame Manning

In a most unbelievable series of blundering and calculated deception Prime Minister and former Housing Minister Keith Rowley has finally taken complete leave of his senses. Rowley, having blamed Kamla for half his term, has now blamed Patrick Manning for his...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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Your Excellency, On the eve of what will be a momentous and historic occasion for our beloved country and indeed, yourself personally, I feel moved to express the enormous amount of joy, hope, optimism and great expectations I have for your Presidency. Having spent five years...
Posted On 18 Mar 2018
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UNC Deputy Leader MP Lee – Rowley needs to learn from Kamla on how to manage the energy sector

UNC Deputy Political Leader and Pointe a Pierre MP David Lee is calling on Prime Minister Keith Rowley to learn from Former Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar on the best way to effectively manage our nation’s Energy Sector given that his government has clearly neglected...
Posted On 17 Mar 2018
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Kamla to Government: Consider the poor – All citizens should have access to land registry

  Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is accusing the Government of once again trying to sneak in dangerous provisions into legislation. Speaking during debate on the Registration of Titles to Land (Amendment)(No.2) Bill, 2017, in the House of Representatives...
Posted On 16 Mar 2018
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