
Kamla reiterates call for tough action on crime – calls on Government to get serious about protecting citizens

  “Enough is enough; time for tough action on crime.”  These were the words of Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, who delivered a tribute to Christopher Mohammed, a young man who was found murdered in St. James a few days ago. Christopher, who was just...
Posted On 22 May 2018
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MP David Lee – “Economists and Political Analysts endangered professions under this Rowley and Imbert led government”

Given the recent distasteful rants by the Minister of Finance against some of our nation’s most intelligent, experienced and revered economists as well as political analyst during his midyear budget review the question must be asked ; “ Are Economists and Political Analysts...
Posted On 17 May 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of the start of the holy month of Ramadan

As we begin this Holy and blessed month of Ramadan, we wish the Muslim community of our beloved nation of Trinidad and Tobago, Ramadan Kareem (blessings). Ramadan is a month in which the noble Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) describes as a great month. A month of blessing,...
Posted On 15 May 2018
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Oropouche West MP: Give the agricultural sector the respect it deserves

Those of us who are familiar with the concepts outlined in Terry Lynn Karl’s: Paradox of Plenty will understand that Trinidad and Tobago is heading down a treacherous path under this PNM led administration. Arising out of what I would call a botched pontification of governmental...
Posted On 15 May 2018
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Mother’s Day Greetings from the Leader of the Opposition

This weekend, we take time to honour and cherish our nation’s mothers, as we mark Mother’s Day. Mothers are truly remarkable, and in today’s ever-changing society, our roles have also evolved, but what has never changed is the unwavering and unconditional love every mother has...
Posted On 13 May 2018
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Budget Review 2018 – Kamla: The T&T economy has been brutalized and battered by this Administration

  I realized that despite the Minister of Finance’s  promise in his Budget statement 2018 that he would be “Changing the paradigm: Putting the economy on a sustainable path”  that there is no changing of the paradigm nor putting the economy on a sustainable path but more of the...
Posted On 10 May 2018
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Kamla offers condolences to family of Dr. Morgan Job

I join with the national community in mourning the loss of Dr. Morgan Job, economist, writer, radio personality and former Member of Parliament. Dr. Job made an indelible contribution to the fields of politics and culture and was a well-known advocate for equality. He was...
Posted On 06 May 2018
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TIM: Garcia the poster boy for backwardness

After three years of roundly criticising the successful computer laptop initiative of the People’s Partnership Administration, the failed Rowley regime is now moving to introduce a slapdash version. As Opposition Leader, Dr. Keith Rowley said on Wednesday August 12, 2015 that the...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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Senator Hosein condemns Minister Imbert for misleading the country on two-year retroactive Property Tax

Minister Imbert has misled the country that it was not Government’s policy to collect Property Tax retroactively for two-years. When examining the chronology in which the amendments to the Property Tax Act was laid in the Parliament it is evident that the Minister of Finance is a...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition to SEA students

The Leader of the Opposition urged both students and parents to be calm and remain focused. “I know you may be feeling some anxiety at this time and it can seem overwhelming, but you have the months of dedication, diligence and hard work which will carry you through this step in...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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MP Lee – Is the Minister of Finance misleading the country on the Standard and Poors Downgrade?

It is quite disingenuous and misleading that the Minister of Finance has sought to blame the recent downgrade of this nation’s economic outlook from stable to negative by Standard and Poors on what he calls “the submission of inaccurate oil and gas forecasts by the...
Posted On 03 May 2018
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UNC Women Concerned with Negative Credit Rating

Rating agencies provide global investors with information on the ability of corporations and countries to pay back debt – for example, how likely they are to make interest payments on time, or to default. The three main global credit rating agencies are Standard and Poor’s...
Posted On 01 May 2018
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