MP Lee: Give citizens relief now
It was pure political trickery and deception that Minister Imbert in his Christmas message promised to go all out to help those in need in 2023 when this government was fully aware that citizens needed immediate assistance now for this Christmas season as they faced unparalleled economic turmoil.
For weeks he boasted about the budget surplus, but if Minister Imbert truly understood the meaning of Christmas goodwill, he would have utilized the surplus this month to help fight the cost of living as opposed to selling dreams on Christmas day.
It is time that Minister Imbert’s fancy words, big promises, and “carrot on a stick” politics end.
If Minister Imbert is serious about distributing the wealth of our nation equitably as he stated in his message, he needs to deliver relief now and not when he wants. If the Minister is worth his talk, then he would utilize the improved financial situation he boasts about to reinstate the fuel subsidy which would significantly curb the rising cost of living.
If Minister Imbert is serious about a better 2023 for citizens of every class as he pointed out he would ensure proper releases are made for holistic rehabilitation of this nation’s dilapidated road network as well as for local government bodies to undertake cleaning of rivers and other critical community-based infrastructural programs.
The country has had enough of Minister Imbert’s “all talk no action approach”. It is time he stops telling the country about the surplus and ensures the entire country, not a selected few, benefits from this surplus through improved health care, the construction or repair of all incomplete schools such as the Claxton Bay Junior Anglican Primary School and reinstate proper funding for technical and vocational training.
This country has had enough lip service from this government. This country has experienced the highest energy prices in years in 2022 yet citizens have not benefitted. It is time this government end talk of the improved financial situation and actually delivers for the people or stands aside as the UNC is prepared to do so.
David Lee
Member of Parliament
Pointe a Pierre