MP AMEEN: Warns of Health Hazard due to Government Slow Clean Up
The Opposition Shadow Minister of Local Government, and MP for St. Augustine Khadijah Ameen is calling on Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Faris Al-Rawi to get his act together with regard to flood relief efforts. MP Ameen notes that while UNC MPs and Councillors are on the ground in the flood-affected areas, the support from government agencies is still lacking.
One area of serious concern is the timely removal of damaged flood-soaked household items. MP Ameen observes that the problem is not a lack of resources, but poor coordination, and the absence of political directives from the government. She is suggesting that Minister Al-Rawi utilise his experience from his recent public relations/clean-up campaign to pool and coordinate the resources from all 14 Regional Corporations, as well as CEPEPP, to provide more manual labour power, washing, water trucks, dump trucks, backhoes, in addition to approving overtime for workers involved in the exercise.
MP Ameen is warning of the public health hazard in areas devastated by floods, due to the slow removal of flood-soaked clothing, beds, furniture, appliances and other items, and the associated stench and dust. She notes that in some areas this stench is unbearable.
The limited resources assigned and lack of proper coordination by the State must be addressed immediately.