Moonilal: UNC most stable under Kamla’s leadership
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s leadership of the United National Congress (UNC) has resulted in the party being the most stable it has ever been in history, says Government Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal.
All executive posts for the UNC expired on January 24, 2014.
The post of political leader expired on January 24, 2013 and is also overdue.
Speaking to the Express by phone recently, Moonilal said there has not yet been discussion on internal party elections as ministers are concentrating on Government work.
However, he said, the party election date will be finalised in the near future.
Trade Minister Vasant Bharath has denied having aspirations to contest the UNC’s leadership.
Moonilal said he too has no intention of challenging Persad-Bissessar
“It was Shakespeare who said in Julius Caesar ‘ambition should be made of sterner stuff’,” said Moonilal.
“It (UNC) is the most stable it has been in history,” he said adding that the party’s performance at the local government elections and St Joseph by-election was testimony that the UNC was alive and well.
“We have nothing to worry about, this is the calmest the party has been,” said Moonilal.
“She (Persad-Bissessar) has presided over an unprecedented period of growth and stability of the party,” he added.
Former UNC chairman, now political leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) Jack Warner, said the UNC does not have its house in order.
He noted that the post of political leader expired since last year and nothing has been done to call the internal party elections.
The ILP, he said, has formalised its Constitution and will be having its internal election for all posts in March this year.
He said, on February 16, the party executive will meet to confirm an election date.
Warner said it was “amazing” that Government members “preach of democracy” when there was a lack of it in the UNC…READ MORE