Moonilal to PM Rowley: Stop the ole talk and rum talk
It is with deep regret that I must respond to a 6.24 am official release from the Office of the Prime Minister which expressly addresses my statements made in a press release dated Monday 18 February 2019. This release was sent two hours after a doubles vendor was killed in chase village to take the murder toll to 77 in 50 days. I say this because the Prime Minister is more concerned with me than the murder of the doubles vendor.
I am appalled, if not flattered, that no less an Office than that of the Prime Minister suspended the business of the government and the cabinet to address me.
This is an abuse of such a sacrosanct office to descend into political and party matters!!! In fact the ninth word from an OPM release is the “UNC”. This is unacceptable and has brought the Office of the Prime Minister into disrepute and odium.
The Prime Minister continues a personal vendetta against me and now uses the resources of the state to so do. It is astonishing that Keith Rowley took all of 18 hours to respond to me but cannot respond in two months to the law association on the Chief Justice matter to trigger section 137 of the constitution.
The Prime Minister has made a career of peddling “ole talk and rum shop talk” as official statements. If the Prime Minister has evidence of any wrong doing he knows to report such matters to the police. But the Prime Minister also knows that there is an offense called “wasteful employment of police time”.
I have not and never employed any photographer to undertake any personal assignment for me since I got married 16 years ago. The Prime Minister is uttering an abominable lie. The public services has rules and regulations for procuring services and a Minister cannot hire anyone for such services. These scandalous allegations comes from a government that admitted in Parliament in November 2017 that they spent thousands of dollars for a make-up artist to powder up Ministers prior to the pre-budget consultations at the Hyatt hotel.
In any event if I did hire a photographer I would have pictures to show the following;
I would show a picture of the Prime Minister with the head of a south based company named in the $100m “fake oil” scandal.
I would show a picture of a government Minister accompanied by an alleged gang leader to the Office of the President for a swearing in ceremony.
I would show a picture of a government Minister campaigning with someone known to him who is before the court on charges of drug trafficking and possession of illegal firearms.
I would show a picture of a government Minister who could not explain making cash deposits in a commercial bank.
I might even be able to show a picture of government Ministers frolicking at Miami night clubs.
The Prime Minister must divert his attention to dealing with the nation’s problems. And confront the challenge of gang violence. The government can create a legal and policy framework to treat with this matter of the award of state contracts to reputed gang leaders or companies linked to gangs. I will be available to assist the Attorney General on the matter of debarring gang associated companies from obtaining state contracts. This require careful thought and a legal intervention. The former People’s Partnership Administration had already taken action to prevent named companies identified by the police from accessing state contracts directly and via supply chains as sub-contractors. This however require further policy intervention.