Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Republic Day
“Let us remember that our nation’s greatest strength is our diverse talent”
Today, as we mark our 46th year as a Republic, we do so amidst great turmoil and uncertainty. Our nation faces serious challenges which require concerted and united efforts from all citizens to overcome.
As we celebrate this significant occasion, it is important to remember that our nation’s greatest strength is in our diverse talent.
Forty-six years ago, Trinidad and Tobago moved to place supreme power in the hands of the people and their representatives, replacing the Queen of England as our Head of State with our own President.
While we have faced challenges over the 46 years, our citizens have always shown their resilience, strength, and determination through the diverse skills they possess.
From the cricket field to the theatre screens, from academia to culinary delights, Trinbagonians have ensured our Republic has shone brightly on the world stage.
As we reflect on the progress we have made in 60 years as an independent nation and 46 years as a Republic, we must also take note of the many challenges that currently face us. We are witnessing a cost of living crisis, increasing lawlessness, and the total decay of good governance in our country.
In the last two years, besides lofty promises from the current administration, there has been no improvement in the lives of citizens, and indeed, life has become increasingly harder for people.
It must be noted that recent reports from the CSO and the Central Bank have shown that we are indeed in serious economic trouble.
We feel it every day. Families are struggling to make ends meet, food prices continue to rise and the Government has not produced a single policy or idea to create jobs, growth or prosperity.
We in the Opposition recognize that as Members of Parliament, we have a sacred duty to work towards improving the lives of each and every citizen of our nation and to protect the rights and freedoms we enjoy.
Our rights as citizens of a free democratic nation are enshrined in the 1976 Constitution, and it is our duty and responsibility to work together to build our nation and to always guard our democracy. In unity, there will always be strength.
So, as we mark the 46th anniversary as a Republic, I give the country the commitment that while this Government has abdicated its responsibilities and abandoned the people of this nation, we in the Opposition will be your voices, as we fight for a brighter future for all, and to restore our beloved Trinidad and Tobago to greatness.
I wish all citizens a safe and happy Republic Day.
May God bless our nation.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP
Leader of the Opposition