Just keep on keeping on, Kamla
Kamla Persad-Bissessar could raise Old Age Pension to U$5,000 a month, bring murders down to zero, empty Death Row, carry the prices of consumer goods back to 1962 levels, fix every highway and byway in T&T, give Orville London a bligh in Tobago, provide free tea, lunch, dinner and laptops for all schoolchildren, eliminate unemployment, build mansions for everyone in Laventille and Morvant, give public servants whatever they demand, make rain to fall only as directed by WASA and farmers and duct-tape Abu Bakr’s lips.
After all this she would still be badmouthed because a number of people simply cannot stand having a woman, or an Indo-Trinbagonian, as Prime Minister of this rainbow country. The 2010 general election results confirmed that. Kamla! Do what you have to do to fix things! Attack, with full force!
Grantley McNaughton,
via e-mail