Good going National Security Council
THE EDITOR: In the current criminal environment a multifaceted approach is needed to deal with the situation. Focus must be placed in several areas simultaneously if we are to make any serious dents in the crime statistics.
I am, however, pleased with the recent initiatives which the National Security Council has approved as it represents a step in the right direction.
One such decision is the approval of the purchase of 300 vehicles for the Police Service, the creation of a rapid response unit and the training of 2,000 SRPs to provide manpower for the patrols.
I would like to express support to various Heads of our Security Forces such as the Police Service, Prisons Service, Regiment and Coast Guard along with the newly appointed National Security Minister.
I hope you will be successful in the fight against crime. Your country needs you to succeed. To the members of the general public I urge you to also support these individuals so we can achieve as close to a crime free environment as possible. Let’s rally around our security forces.
Dominic Nicholas