Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Inspires FCFA

17th November 2014:Rural and fishing communities generally, perhaps more so civil society groups like the FCFA, that actively seek to create a respectable space and voice amidst neglect and distance challenges and social aspects of community are bound up with well-being, over and...
Posted On 18 Nov 2014
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Bharath: Rowley deliberately misleading citizens

THE Leader of the PNM Opposition, Dr Keith Rowley, is now intensifying what is clearly a campaign of misinformation by deliberately misrepresenting issues surrounding the housing allowance due to His Excellency President Anthony Carmona. This according to Minister of Trade,...
Posted On 18 Nov 2014
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AG Responds to Dr Rowley’s Election Date Comments

It is important that I correct the reckless and irresponsible statements made by Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley regarding the provisions in Constitution that govern the General Elections process. Speaking at the annual PNM Convention last night, Dr. Rowley declared that the...
Posted On 17 Nov 2014
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During his address at PNM’s convention today, Dr Rowley insinuated that the government was somehow responsible for the payment of the housing allowance that has attracted so much attention and disquiet. He criticized my statement that the office of the Chief Personnel Officer...
Posted On 17 Nov 2014
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“Keith Rowley not ready to lead” says Rodney Charles

Today in Port of Spain the people of Trinidad and Tobago saw further proof that “Keith Rowley is not ready to lead,” said UNC Campaign Manager Rodney Charles. Speaking at the Queen’s Park Savannah, in front of a crowd that was much smaller than he predicted, Keith Rowley failed...
Posted On 16 Nov 2014
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Caroni East MP Dr. Gopeesingh Embarks on Massive Flood Relief Exercise

UNC MP for Caroni East and Minister of Education, Dr the Honourable Tim Gopeesingh, has brought relief to several residents of the Caroni East constituency in wake of the severe flooding that has affected several parts of Trinidad and Tobago over the past few days. Dr Gopeesingh...
Posted On 16 Nov 2014
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Minor Landslip along Golconda to Debe section of Highway

Please be advised that a small landslip has developed, approximately 400 metres south of the Papourie Road Underpass, on the southbound carriageway of the Solomon Hochoy Highway Extension to Point Fortin. Preliminary assessments indicate that this was caused by water seeping into...
Posted On 12 Nov 2014
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Energy Minister launches work on Natural Gas Master Plan for 2014 to 2024

Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine today kicked-off work on the development of this country’s Natural Gas Master Plan for the ten year period of 2014-2024. The Minister noted that this was one of the most important studies to be conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs...
Posted On 12 Nov 2014
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The Court of Appeal comprising Justices of Appeal Allan Mendoca, Gregory Smith and Prakash Moosai dismissed the appeal filed by the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) supporters Mr. Stephen Mitchell and Dayne Evan Francois and ordered them to pay the legal costs of the State in the...
Posted On 10 Nov 2014
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Five sea turtle carcases found entangled in fishing nets at Salybia Beach

On Tuesday 28th October 2014, Game Wardens responded to a call about five sea turtle carcases which were found entangled in fishing nets at Salybia Beach. Upon investigation, the carcases were removed and an overnight surveillance was carried out. No persons were apprehended, but...
Posted On 06 Nov 2014
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