AG Nicholas Statement on Warner Extradition

The Central Authority Unit of the Ministry of the Attorney General has been working in conjunction with the United States Department of Justice for approximately one year regarding the investigation of transnational offences involving former FIFA Vice President, Mr. Jack Austin...
Posted On 27 May 2015
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UNC Women Disappointed with PNM Disrespect

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress wishes to express our collective disappointment with the portrayal of drunken women at the PNM Family Day on Sunday 24th May 2015. We noted that at that Family day where many of our nation’s children were present to witness...
Posted On 27 May 2015
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UNC Condemns drunken skits

The depiction of a woman with a bottle of alcohol falling to the ground during the march past by PNM family day should be condemned as a disrespect to women and a poor, sorry example to children, particularly those involved in the event. As a young woman, it is always of concern...
Posted On 27 May 2015
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Bharath – Ventour Tantrum Puzzling

The Government, through Communications Minister Vasant Bharath said comments made by Deputy Chairman of the Integrity Commission, Sebastian Ventour are very puzzling. Mr Ventour, in an interview with the Express made some very revealing statements regarding his resignation from...
Posted On 24 May 2015
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Statement by former AG Ramlogan on Integrity Commission findings

From the inception of this matter, I have done everything possible to prove that these emails were bogus and fake. These findings are but the latest instalment of independent and credible determinations, which confirm the lack of substance in these pernicious allegations. It is...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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Integrity Commission Clears PM and Parliament – Major Victory

The Registrar of the Integrity Commission has today, 19th May 2015, written to Attorney-at-law Mr. Israel Khan, S.C. in his capacity as Attorney for the Hon. Prime Minister in connection with the “Emailgate” allegations. In that letter captioned “Investigation...
Posted On 19 May 2015
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Proclamation of The Children’s Authority Act

The Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago advises members of the public that the following have been proclaimed by His Excellency President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago:   1.     The Children’s...
Posted On 19 May 2015
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AG Garvin Nicholas writes to Deputy DPP Joan Honore-Paul

Dear Ms. Honore-Paul, Re: Investigations into the e-mail disclosures made in the House of Representatives May 20, 2013 and May 24, 2013 Your letter dated May 13, 2015 on the subject at caption refers. On the morning of Thursday 14 May 2015, I awoke to front-page media reports...
Posted On 19 May 2015
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PM Congratulates the new President of Guyana

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP, has congratulated the new Guyana President, retired Brigadier General, David Granger, for winning the general elections contested in that country on May 11. In a congratulatory message, Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar said, “On...
Posted On 17 May 2015
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New Letter Released from PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar Confirms Fake Emails By Rowley

The Prime Minister today emphasized that she has a duty to clear her government’s name: “I have a duty not just to myself, but to the members of our Government and to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, to have the record cleared in the Parliament now that we have the evidence...
Posted On 12 May 2015
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