Rowley disappoints again – an hour long talk and no plan

24 August, 2015 Tonight, Keith Rowley spoke with a reporter at length and failed once again to put forward any plan for Trinidad and Tobago in the next five years. Instead of using the opportunity to tell us what he would do as Prime Minister, Mr Rowley spent an hour talking...
Posted On 25 Aug 2015
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Deputy Political Leader Roodal Moonilal issued the following statement today: This supposed PNM manifesto can simply be described as too little too late. This is not a manifesto. It is effectively a note of apology. Keith Rowley’s party still does not have a plan. There is no...
Posted On 20 Aug 2015
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Rowley imports disgraced US politicians to cover up lack of plan and support

UNC Deputy Political Leader Dr Roodal Moonilal at a press conference at the Hyatt this evening criticized PNM Leader Dr Keith Rowley for failing to produce his party’s manifesto. “The country has been waiting for 293 days to hear what Keith Rowley’s plans for the future are; what...
Posted On 15 Aug 2015
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Trinidad and Tobago prime minister, Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, sends Independence greetings to India and Pakistan

Sixty-eight years ago the Union Jack came down in the Far East to herald the birth of two nations, India and Pakistan, carved from the single Indian state that Great Britain considered the great jewel in its crown. The Indian Independence Bill ended 200 years of British rule but...
Posted On 15 Aug 2015
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Extradition of Guyanese National Balkumar Singh

Guyanese national Mr Balkumar Singh was extradited to the United States of America early this morning to face charges for murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, reckless endangerment and related offenses. Sgt. Herman Narace of local Interpol spearheaded a party...
Posted On 14 Aug 2015
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AG Nicholas to Rowley “bring the evidence”

“Dear Dr. Rowley Re: Public utterances made on Sunday 9 August 2015 at Market Square, Scarborough I note with grave concern the following public utterances made by you on a political platform at Market Square, Scarborough, on Sunday 9 August 2015: “Lo and behold, as /...
Posted On 14 Aug 2015
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Bharath: Rowley’s claims completely false

OPPOSITION Leader Dr Keith Rowley’s latest allegation against the Government is completely false and designed to create panic. This according to Communication Minister, Vasant Bharath, who dismissed claims made by Rowley while speaking on a PNM Platform in Tobago at the weeken...
Posted On 10 Aug 2015
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Charles: Keith Rowley’s Legacy of Failure

  This morning (Thursday 06 August), UNC Campaign Manager Rodney Charles spoke in front of the Government Campus Plaza, to talk about Keith Rowley’s history of failures during the last administration. “During his time in government, Keith Rowley and his party presided over a...
Posted On 07 Aug 2015
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Surinamese national extradited to the United States

Surinamese national Edmund Quincy Muntslag was extradited to the United States of America early this morning to face charges for narcotics trafficking and related offences. The exercise was spearheaded by Superintendent Mcalpin and other members of the Organised Crime, Narcotics...
Posted On 06 Aug 2015
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MEDIA RELEASE: Payment to Government Pensioners

The Pensions Management Branch, Treasury Division of the Ministry of Finance and the Economy, is responsible for pension payments to over thirty thousand (30,000) Government Pensioners. For the last pensions Life Certificate cycle, pensioners were asked to submit their Life...
Posted On 05 Aug 2015
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