Statement by Dr. Khan regarding the Zika Pandemic

Over the past weekend, and following the decision by the Minister of Health to issue a Public National Health Emergency with regards to the Zika virus, I have been bombarded by citizens, both locally and abroad, who have shared their confusion and fears regarding the threat of...
Posted On 01 Feb 2016
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Foreign ministry in near disarray

The recent appointment of Foreign Minister Dennis Moses as minister in the Ministry of National Security is extremely puzzling since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in a state of near disarray and needs his fullest attention so that our country can continue playing its...
Posted On 01 Feb 2016
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With the introduction of a new Value Added Tax regime (VAT) on Monday February 1st , the Rowley government will implement one of the biggest political lies ever told to the population of this country. When the Rowley PNM launched its manifesto in late August 2015, they trumpeted...
Posted On 30 Jan 2016
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Explain Mr Prime Minister!

Prime Minister Keith Rowley needs to explain his reasons for appointing Foreign Affairs Minister, Dennis Moses as Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security. Does the goodly Minister Moses have a background and or the requisite credentials to be placed in such an...
Posted On 28 Jan 2016
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UNC Chairman: Privy Council Section 34 Ruling Vindicates Kamla

The decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to uphold the decision of former Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to recall Parliament in September 2012 to repeal the now infamous section 34 has vindicated her. The Privy Council delivered a 19-page ruling on...
Posted On 25 Jan 2016
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Kamla: Privy Council’s judgment a resounding victory for the PPG

Today the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council delivered judgment in the appeal of Steve Ferguson and others v The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, infamously known by the general public as “ The Section 34 Case”. The appeals were dismissed by a unanimous decision of...
Posted On 25 Jan 2016
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Lee calls for equitable policy for used car Industry

As the Member of Parliament for Point a Pierre I am deeply concerned by the Minister of Trade and Industry’s Response that she is not legally bound to undertake consultation as it relates to the Policy Change on the importation of Foreign used vehicles. In accordance with...
Posted On 24 Jan 2016
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Kamla to PM, MNS on Spike in Crime: Step up or step out

The Leader of the Opposition today indicated that she is deeply troubled by the unabated slaughter of citizens as the murder rate has now reached 33 persons killed in 22 days, the latest being the tragic murder of two teenage students who were on their way home from school. In a...
Posted On 22 Jan 2016
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Dates for UNC Constituency Executive Elections

The United National Congress (UNC) wishes to advise that Constituency Executive Elections will be held as follows:- Saturday February 27th, 2016:- Barataria / San Juan; Caroni Central; Caroni East; Chaguanas East; Chaguanas West; Couva North; Couva South; Cumuto / Manzanill...
Posted On 19 Jan 2016
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Last week at a media briefing at my office in Port of Spain to raise concerns about the reintroduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on several basic food items I made reference to salt as one of those essential ingredients in our diet. Salt, I noted, is so important it became the...
Posted On 17 Jan 2016
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