UNC Women chastise government on handling of crime

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress on Thursday expressed alarm at the number of homicides recorded in Trinidad and Tobago this year and has called on the relevant authorities to step up their act to protect citizens and solve the 200 murders. In Central Trinidad,...
Posted On 26 May 2016
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Central MP writes PM on Crime

Also addressing an Opposition media briefing today at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition was Couva North MP, Ms. Ramonal Ramdial who, in collaboration with other Opposition MPs and community stakeholders was unsuccessful in a request for an urgent meeting with the...
Posted On 25 May 2016
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Fyzabad MP: The $6 Billion Question – Health Minister Provided Budget Misinformation

Member of Parliament for Fyzabad and shadow Minister of Health Dr. Lackram Bodoe wants Prime Minister Keith Rowley and the Minister of Health to clear the air on the misinformation from the government on the budget for non-­communicable diseases (NCDs). Dr. Bodoe asked about the...
Posted On 23 May 2016
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No response from Minister Edmund Dillon

It is with great regret I report that up to present time the Minister of National Security, Edmund Dillon has failed to respond to my letter (see attachment ) which asks on behalf of the Central MPs and other stakeholders for an urgent meeting to discuss the escalating crime...
Posted On 20 May 2016
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Murders in Central Increase by over 275%

With already 27 murders for the year, which indicates a two hundred and seventy five percent increase over the corresponding period for 2015, which recorded 7 murders. Residents of Central are calling on Government to step up and do something about the escalating crime rate....
Posted On 20 May 2016
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Senator Sturge calls on Law Association President and Vice President to resign

Opposition Senator Wayne Sturge today harshly criticised the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago for its silence on the SSA (amendment) Bill 2016 and called on the Association’s President and Vice President to resign. Commenting on the matter Sturge said if both of them fail...
Posted On 18 May 2016
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Padarath Supports Daly; says Government Starving Critical Units

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath highlighted the wanton disregard for the vital units established for the country’s most vulnerable, by this PNM government. In a recent statement, Stephanie Daly SC – Chairman of the board of the Children’s Authority (CA) has highlighted the...
Posted On 17 May 2016
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Senator Sturge calls on Gov’t to wake up from its slumber and deal with Crime

Prior to September 7, 2015, the Prime Minister led the populace to believe that both he and the party he subsequently led into government had the answers to issues related to crime and National Security. Upon assuming office the Prime Minister and his government presided over the...
Posted On 17 May 2016
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More than 400 file nominations for Local Government Elections

More than four hundred people have filed nominations to represent the United National Congress (UNC) in the Local Government Elections scheduled to be held this year. Nominations closed at 4:00 pm Sunday May 15, 2016. In preparation for the elections, the Honorable Kamla...
Posted On 15 May 2016
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Former Minister Concerned about Food Card Suspension

The Minister of Social and Development and Family Services has advised this Honourable House that 13,000 persons had their food cards suspended as they failed to respond to the Ministry’s various requests to come in to their offices. The Minister further stated that all...
Posted On 14 May 2016
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