Moonilal calls on PCA Director to investigate collusion between members of TTPS and certain politicians

Member of Parliament for Oropouche East Dr Roodal Moonilal is calling on PCA Director David West to investigate the workings and conduct of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service with regards to an ongoing investigation in which he says appears to be a collusion between some...
Posted On 17 Oct 2017
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Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has slammed government for its inequity in funding for festivals and religious observances in their allocation for Trinidad when compared to the over 18 million allocated to festivals and celebrations in Tobago. This comes on the heels of what...
Posted On 17 Oct 2017
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Moonilal: Emailgate II- A frame-up

Today I was informed that the twin ministers at the Attorney General office filed a defense and counter claim against named contractors who first took action against the EMBDC for outstanding payments. The effect of their defense is to postpone the matters that they face in court...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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Statement from the United National Congress on social media calls for protest action at the Divali Nagar

The United National Congress is aware of messages being circulated on various social media platforms encouraging certain protest actions at Divali Nagar tomorrow. The Party wishes to advise that this has not originated from the National Executive of the UNC or its leadership and...
Posted On 16 Oct 2017
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UNC congratulates Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Volleyball Team on their World Championship qualification

The United National Congress (UNC) congratulates the Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Volleyball team on their stunning achievement in qualifying for the FIVB Women’s World Championships. The Calypso Spikers have once again put this country on the map by becoming the first English...
Posted On 15 Oct 2017
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Shame on you Camille

The UNC National Women’s Arm notes with disappointment the response of PNM Vice Chairperson and PNM Women’s League Chairperson Mrs Camille Robinson Regis in an article in today’s Newsday regarding the Prime Minister’s reference to women “A golf...
Posted On 14 Oct 2017
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Robinson-Regis Abuses Separation of Powers

The reading by Minister Camille Robinson Regis of a search warrant allegedly issued for Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal is an issue that should be of concern to all right thinking citizens. Our Parliamentary democracy is predicated upon the separation of powers and Minister...
Posted On 13 Oct 2017
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UNC PRO: Rowley’s latest sordid comments about women show he is unfit to lead

Instead of addressing any of the many issues currently plaguing the country, including rampant crime, the failing economy or persistent job losses, the Dr Rowley chose to use his Budget presentation to degrade the women of this country. The Prime Minister has once again shown why...
Posted On 13 Oct 2017
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UNC Women Condemns Prime Minister Rowley demeaning and degrading remarks towards women

The UNC National Women’s Arm continues to express it’s distaste towards the continued disrespectful and downright demeaning remarks towards women by the Prime Minister of this country. Following his improper description of the Opposition Leader Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar ...
Posted On 13 Oct 2017
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Moonilal: calls on Ag CoP to investigate conspiracy of wiretapping

Attorney General Faris Al Rawi has failed to respond to my revelations about a conspiracy involving a senior public official to commit burglary, theft, wiretapping and other serious crimes. But this is hardly surprising, because after a year, Al Rawi has still not acknowledged...
Posted On 12 Oct 2017
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