UNC PRO: Rowley’s latest sordid comments about women show he is unfit to lead
Instead of addressing any of the many issues currently plaguing the country, including rampant crime, the failing economy or persistent job losses, the Dr Rowley chose to use his Budget presentation to degrade the women of this country. The Prime Minister has once again shown why he is not fit to lead.
This is the latest in a series of sordid comments which have been made by Keith Rowley during his tenure. In response to rising food prices under his government his solution was that women should learn how to “peel cassava”; he referred to our children and hyenas and monsters; in response to high crime he told women he is not in our bedrooms and we should choose our men wisely; he showed us his listening skills when he said,“She could bark at meh dog, because I go ignore she cat”.
He continued to sink to new lows with his jammetry comments and now this latest comparison of women to golf courses and references to grooming.
“Rowley’s comments once again show that he has no respect for women and certainly no respect for the office that he holds and Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago.” PRO for the UNC Anita Haynes noted in a statement today.
“It is clear this is not the first time and there is no indication that it would be the last; Rowley in the past has remained unapologetic and firm in his misogyny.”
Every day on social media we are seeing videos of school violence and our citizens engaging in almost open combat and it is largely understood as lack of respect for our fellowman. And now we have the Prime Minister, using his national platform to once again show that he has no respect for women. How do we expect the nation to progress with this kind of leadership?
“I am certain he will not apologize and would instead once again ask the women of his Party to defend the indefensible, however as a nation we must say enough is enough, because leadership is meant to set an example.” Haynes said. “It pained me to see the Members of Parliament around the Prime Minister, including some female MPs, enthusiastically thumping their desks supporting the comments. It was a thoroughly disappointing display.”
Rowley’s comments came one day after our nation joined the international community in celebrating the International Day of the Girl.
One day after Mrs Kamla Persad- Bissessar, leader of the United National Congress issued the following:
“To our girls of all ages, I encourage you to let your voice be heard. Be bold and grab hold of the reins of leadership, as each one of you has the potential to become a future leader and bring about positive change in our society.
Take it upon yourselves to work in your communities, to fight for equality, equity and justice, and to hold our leaders to account.
I remain adamant in my view that no society will ever attain its full potential until it allows its girls and women to take up leadership roles so they could contribute as equals in advancing national development.
Today as we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child, I re-commit to continue to do all in my power to end all manner of discrimination based on gender, and to empower our girls and women to fulfill their potential.”
So in the face of our Prime Minister’s degrading statements, I would like to reiterate this call, let our voices be heard, let us stand up and let Keith Rowley know that women are not in fact like golf courses. It is time for us to be bold and let Dr Rowley know we will not shut up and we will let our voices be heard. His misogyny will no longer be tolerated, and it will not be ignored.
It is time for us to demand the respect we have earned!