Giving Life to our Children

Dear Editor, For years our children have been faced with substandard health care and in some instances no hope. The most recent plight of a young couple whose 7 month old daughter’s need for immediate organ transplant has highlighted the importance for measures to be set up...
Posted On 08 Jun 2015
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Against the Odds

Dear Editor, Amidst all of the controversy and opposition forces that have rose up against her, the Prime Minister has time and time again emerged victorious. If one follows the tenure of our first female Prime Minister, it is clear to see than her calm, caring and statesman-like...
Posted On 05 Jun 2015
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The use of technology improves PM ratings

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a co-worker thousands of miles away to you long lost childhood sweetheart. The Internet has erased boundaries and created an unprecedented level of freedom of...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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PNM neglect their strongholds

Dear Editor, For those living in the rural areas of Trinidad and to a large extent our friends across the waters in Tobago, rural neglect under the PNM is a familiar theme. We know the focus of their development efforts has always been urban centric, with the common thread of...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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The PNM Renewable Energy Plan

The PNM have always focused their efforts on using non-renewable resources as their means of building our nation. But with the continued depletion of both oil and natural gas reserves, the focus is rapidly shifting towards renewable energy sources to fuel further development....
Posted On 28 May 2015
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If you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones

Dear Editor, As my mother used to say, “if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones”. This is clearly the case with the recent development where 7 FIFA officials were arrested, and 14 indicted in a US corruption case. Among the indicted defenders is no...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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A Sobering Reality

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on the drunken skits played out by the PNM’s family and sports day on Sunday. During the march past, women dressed in yellow dresses acted drunk and uncontrollable while holding what appeared to be bottles of alcohol. It was only after a...
Posted On 28 May 2015
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Confidence in Our Nation

In a poll conducted by Solution by Simulation, and published in the Trinidad Express newspaper, it appears that the nation has renewed its confidence in the nation and the government ahead of the upcoming general election. But while emphasis is being placed on the popularity of...
Posted On 26 May 2015
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“Watergate- emailgate” Rowley must go.. if PNM is to be ethical

I suggest that the sitting PNM MP take stock of Ethical reasons given in the resignation letter to PNM by longstanding past member DR Subash Sharma . ( Friday may 22 2015 guardian A5) Your sworn duty to uphold good governance ( via parliamentary best practices of CPA ) in T&T...
Posted On 23 May 2015
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Rowley loses credibility

Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley, during his May 2013 Motion of No Confidence against the People’s Partnership Government and the Prime Minister, disclosed the contents of 31 “e-mails” purporting to be exchanges between Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, former Attorney...
Posted On 22 May 2015
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