Highway urgently needed

Dear Editor: The highway to Point Fortin is sorely needed. The level of traffic congestion in these part is of epic proportions, with people spending hours on the roads trying to reach their final destination. Traffic, as a negative by-product of a nation’s progress, has a...
Posted On 12 May 2014
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Capildeo’s legacy a lesson for all

Dear Editor: On Sunday evening, I had the distinct privilege of attending the inaugural “Dr. Rudranath Capildeo Legacy Lecture” held at the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. The Bank should be commended for undertaking such a venture, as the memory of this...
Posted On 06 May 2014
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Put politics aside

The Editor:  Criminal activity in Trinidad and Tobago has been and still is a controversial topic. Murders generally rose every year from 1999 to 2008.  On further analysis, the trend since the early 1990’s was fairly constant until 2001 and from then onwards there was a rose to...
Posted On 06 May 2014
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She was a true Fulbright

Dear Editor: The nation is in reeling in shock over the horrendous and callous death of Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal. She was an legal luminary who made a tremendous contribution to the nation. Included in her long list of accomplishment was that she was a Fulbright Scholar. This...
Posted On 06 May 2014
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Irrelevant noise

Dear Editor: There is nothing sadder that a once great actor or actress or sportsperson not knowing when it is time to bow out and gracefully exit the stage or playing field. In an effort to capture past glory, they keep trying harder and harder to the detriment to their once...
Posted On 06 May 2014
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T&T performing well on the Social Progress Index

Dear Editor: Numerous studies have found a high correlation between economic growth and a wide variety of social indicators, yet there is growing awareness that economic measures alone do not fully capture social progress.The Social Progress Index tool is attempting to fix this...
Posted On 02 May 2014
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Where is the Evidence?

Dear Editor, When one is called to serve in the highest offices of the country, it is not without scrutiny. It also brings with it all manner of accusations and allegations whereby one is called upon almost daily to defend him or herself. The recent issue involving the former...
Posted On 30 Apr 2014
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Tourism just one cog in the complex economic machine

Dear Editor: I would like to comment on a letter that was published in the newspapers titled “Tourism our sleeping economic tiger”. I concur with the points raised in this letter however, there needs to be further discussion around this topic. It is agreed that given...
Posted On 30 Apr 2014
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Politics to distract the public

The Editor: The Ministry of the Attorney General is the arm of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago responsible for providing legal services to the Government and its various agencies. The constitution gives directives to this office holder to act independently as a guardian of...
Posted On 30 Apr 2014
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A frightening situation

The Editor: Countries such as the US and UK with very strict security classification systems are not free from leaks as recent revelations have demonstrated. The difference however is they get to the source of the leak and rectify it while dealing with those responsible for them....
Posted On 28 Apr 2014
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