Fight fair Dr. Henry

Dear Editor: I have noted that earlier this week there were reports in the news that the Governor of the Central Bank, Jwala Rambarran, have issued a pre-action protocol letter to Opposition Senator Dr. Lester Henry. The letter from Rambarran’s attorneys claimed Henry made an...
Posted On 11 Jul 2014
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Quality family time is essential

Dear Editor: Many of societies problems are blamed on the breakdown of family life. Parents are too busy with their day to day activities which results in them not spending enough quality time with their children. Those parents who can afford it supplement their lack of quality...
Posted On 10 Jul 2014
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Soca Warriors scores in extra time

Dear Editor: What a goal, coming from an unexpected long pass from left field! The Soca Warriors have scored against the run of play. What pride, what joy!!! The payment by the government to these men who represented our country with pride and honour is indeed welcome news. What...
Posted On 10 Jul 2014
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Procurement bill good for country

THE EDITOR: It was with utmost disgust that I witnessed the PNM trying to block the passage of the Public Procurement Bill once again on Friday in the House of Representatives. Planning Minister Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie was asked by Colm Imbert if he would have been prepared to...
Posted On 08 Jul 2014
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War and Peace

Dear Editor: Dr Keith Rowley recently condemned Security Minister, Gary Griffith for saying the police are engaged in a war against criminals. Rowley was off target. In describing the Minister’s comments as “dangerous talk”, the Opposition Leader again missed the boat, just to...
Posted On 06 Jul 2014
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Respect office holders

Dear Editor: It’s only in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) that persons disrespect our office holders daily with no respect. One case where it has crossed the line is the beating of two bobolees representing Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Leader of the Opposition Dr Keith...
Posted On 06 Jul 2014
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Camille exposes political petticoat

THE EDITOR: Senator Camille Robinson-Regis’ recent statement in the Upper House concerning rats emerging from their proverbial holes with reference to the proposed pension increases for judges and parliamentarians was extremely unfortunate, disrespectful and reckless. It was...
Posted On 06 Jul 2014
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Show respect for our women

Violence against women remains widespread and pervasive globally today. Living free from violence is a human right, yet millions of women and girls suffer disproportionately from violence in their home and in society. Across the globe, women are beaten, raped, mutilated, and...
Posted On 05 Jul 2014
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Pride in National Anthem

Dear Editor: Looking at the start of each game during the current World Cup being held in Brazil, you see the players lustfully singing their national anthem. The enigmatic Brazilian, Neymar and the Ivory Coast player, Serey Die have even bursts into tears while their anthem is...
Posted On 04 Jul 2014
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New legislation to empower citizens

The Editor I must agree with Mr. Lennox Grant when he stated that “The T&T I know is easily capable of failing to acknowledge any duty of care for people who won elected office and for others who were selected as Senators, most of whom thereafter vanish into invisibility....
Posted On 30 Jun 2014
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