
UNC’s Local Government Representatives ready to deliver to the people

The newly installed United National Congress Councillors and Aldermen are ready to get to work to improve the lives of the communities that they serve. On Tuesday 17th December, the party’s 27 Aldermen were sworn in, and the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor (Chaguanas Borough...
Posted On 17 Dec 2019
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UNC welcomes new female Mayor of Chaguanas

The United National Congress extends warm congratulations to newly appointed Mayor of Chaguanas Her Worship Councillor Vandana Mohit. Ms Mohit, UNC Councillor for Cunupia, was elected at the first meeting of the Borough Corporation’s Council, following the swearing in of new...
Posted On 17 Dec 2019
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Kamla: Keith Rowley can’t intimidate me

I read Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s late-night response to my call on him for transparency in the Darryl Smith scandal. I leave aside for the moment the conspicuous ad hominem attack on me that Prime Minister Rowley chose to make in the context of what is an urgent matter of...
Posted On 16 Dec 2019
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Former Minister Ramnarine Congratulates Touchstone on Cascadura discovery

I wish to congratulate Touchstone Exploration Inc. on their discovery in their Cascadura- 1ST1 well which was drilled in their Ortoire license in south eastern Trinidad. Touchstone was formally awarded the license for the Ortoire block October 31st, 2014 following a successful...
Posted On 16 Dec 2019
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UNC: Rowley’s Govt MIA once again as South ravaged by severe flooding

As thousands of citizens in Central and South Trinidad woke this morning to find that their homes remain inundated with floodwaters, the Prime Minister and members of this Government are nowhere to be found. This is the fourth-year citizens are facing the destruction of property...
Posted On 13 Dec 2019
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Opposition Leader calls for investigation into Darryl Smith matter

Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, is calling for an urgent and immediate investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged secret settlement of the sexual harassment lawsuit brought against former Minister of Sport Mr....
Posted On 13 Dec 2019
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UNC’s Siparia Regional Corporation Local Government Representatives sworn in

The United National Congress extends a hearty and well-deserved congratulations to our six successful candidates who were sworn in today as Local Government Councillors at the Siparia Regional Corporation. The Party successfully retained the Corporation and captured another seat...
Posted On 10 Dec 2019
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UNC’s Sangre Grande Local Government Representatives sworn in

The United National Congress congratulates our five successful candidates who were sworn in today as Local Government Councillors at the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation. This outstanding victory is a result of the hard work and dedication of the candidates and their respective...
Posted On 09 Dec 2019
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UNC concerned over reports of irregularities during voting

Political Leader of the United National Congress and Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is expressing concern over several reports of incidents and irregularities during voting in today’s Local Government Election. The UNC Leader issued the following...
Posted On 02 Dec 2019
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Gopeesingh slams Garcia attack on school bus drivers

The cheap attempt by Minister of Education Anthony Garcia to politicise the legitimate issues affecting more than 300 loyal school bus drivers is shameful and inexcusable. Mr. Garcia was typically arrogant and contemptuous in his response to the cries of the contracted bus...
Posted On 26 Nov 2019
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