
UNC: Rowley Government Can’t Get Their Story Straight

  The statements made on May 11th 2020 by Minister Stuart Young, concerning the revelations that PDVSA officials accompanied Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez on her visit to Trinidad and Tobago on March 27th 2020, show a desperate administration scrambling to...
Posted On 12 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 7: Kamla: PM Rowley Must Tell the Truth in the Witness Box

By now you may know that I am suing Prime Minister Rowley for defamation. This concerns his recent slanderous, malicious and deceitful statements against me, in his vain attempt to defend his highly questionable actions in the ongoing ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco. I have chosen this course...
Posted On 12 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 6: Kamla: PM Rowley must now account to the Parliament

Today, I must once more address the latest developments in the very troublesome, controversial ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco that is currently engaging the public’s keen attention. This after media reports now state that the head of the T&T Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) has denied...
Posted On 11 May 2020
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Oropouche East Constituency: Dictatorial Speaker Must Resign

The constituency executive of the Oropouche East constituency met in emergency session this morning and unanimously agreed to the following statement. The constituency summoned our member of parliament who gave his account of developments last Friday  It is highly regrettable...
Posted On 10 May 2020
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Mother’s Day

Today we pause to acknowledge and celebrate the invaluable contributions of mothers in our society, and the boundless love, hope and faith that they have in their hearts. This year is of course far different from previous years; as the world in which we live has changed...
Posted On 10 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 5: Rowley admits to meeting PDVSA executives

News reports state that Prime Minister Rowley has now finally admitted to holding an alleged illegitimate meeting with Venezuelan Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez, and a team of officials from Venezuelan-owned energy company PDVSA, on March 27, 2020, who are wanted in the US for...
Posted On 09 May 2020
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FUEL or COVID-19? Kamla drops bombshell on Delcy visit

Here are notes from my Virtual Press Briefing today. This is a matter of serious concern but first I want to correct some of our commentators -: “It is important that I correct the commentators who have said the United National Congress has been inviting the US into the...
Posted On 08 May 2020
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Lee: Five years of PNM mismanagement has collapsed our Energy Sector

Five years of failed leadership by this government within our energy sector has finally broken years of hard work and progress, placing this nation in one its most volatile, grim and troubling economic positions. The closure of a fourth massive plant in Point Lisas and the...
Posted On 07 May 2020
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UNC PRO to AG Al Rawi: Stop Using Official Ministry Accounts to Peddle Political Propaganda

Senator Anita Haynes, the Public Relations Officer of the UNC has taken note of a Facebook post on the Office of the Attorney General official page on the closure of the Cambridge Analytica Police Investigation. In statement today Senator Haynes noted: “While the Honourable...
Posted On 07 May 2020
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UNC Vindicated in Cambridge Analytica Investigation

The United National Congress thanks the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service for bringing a quick end to the Cambridge Analytica fairy-tale, foisted on our population by senior members of the Keith Rowley administration. Like Emailgate, the PNM has now lost another of their key...
Posted On 06 May 2020
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