
Kamla: A Prime Minister in Hiding

I note with tremendous concern a report in today’s Express newspapers stating that the United States has officially warned the T&T Government that our country can face US sanctions. This, if it in any way assists five Iranian fuel tankers due to pass through our waters en...
Posted On 23 May 2020
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Kamla: A government of dangerous lies and cover-ups—Rowley and Young must resign now!

It is truly one of the darkest days in our nation’s history when a foreign Ambassador is compelled to publicly declare that the very person entrusted to protect our national security has blatantly lied on him, and for yet another time, to the people of T&T. But frighteningly,...
Posted On 20 May 2020
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UNC: Young, Rowley must go

The Keith Rowley administration has once again been caught lying to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. Less than a week ago, the Opposition questioned Minister of National Security and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young in the Senate, and Young claimed that...
Posted On 19 May 2020
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UNC: Le Hunte’s resignation shows a crisis at the top

The announcement of the sudden resignation of Public Utilities Minister Robert Le Hunte shows that not only has Keith Rowley lost the support of the people of Trinidad and Tobago, members of his own government are losing confidence in his ability to govern. The Prime Minister...
Posted On 17 May 2020
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Opposition Chief Whip – Total Destruction of Democracy and Disrespect to Parliamentary Principles

Yesterday’s conduct by the Government marked a dark day in our nation’s Parliamentary history as it is now clear that the Rowley Regime has thoroughly massacred the principles of our Parliament and are geared towards destroying our democracy. It is totally horrendous...
Posted On 17 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 10: Kamla: PM Rowley must publicly explain the US ‘blacklist”

In yet another development in the highly controversial ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco, media reports note that the US Embassy has sent T&T’s Foreign Affairs Minister a US Government ‘blacklist’ of all nations, companies and persons currently under its sanctions. This includes the...
Posted On 16 May 2020
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UNC: Govt Using Covid-19 Crisis to run Roughshod over Parliamentary Process

The Keith Rowley administration is conveniently using Covid-19 as a cover to rush their Parliamentary agenda without proper scrutiny. The ruling People’s National Movement used their majority to unilaterally decide to cut short the speaking time of elected representatives. This...
Posted On 15 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 9: Kamla: T&T Needs the Truth now: Time for Foreign Affairs Minister to Break his Silence

Today, the Parliament meets. Like the rest of the population, I am eagerly awaiting a comprehensive statement from Prime Minister Rowley, in which he finally tells the truth about the very alarming, ongoing ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco. Judging from his latest Facebook post, though, it does...
Posted On 15 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 8: A Dangerous Plot to Deceive T&T?— Stuart Young Must Resign

It is with tremendous alarm that I am once more compelled to comment on the latest, very disturbing developments in the ongoing ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco. What began as mere questions as to whether T&T had violated US sanctions against Venezuela via the sale of a Paria gas fuel...
Posted On 14 May 2020
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Kamla: Is the Rowley Regime Illegitimately Electioneering with $20 billion of Taxpayers’ funds?

Media reports note the Chamber of Commerce is expressing “extreme disappointment” over the Rowley Government’s “abdication of its responsibility to provide necessary financial support” to the business community during the prolonged national shutdown. This is a very serious...
Posted On 13 May 2020
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