FUELGATE PART 9: Kamla: T&T Needs the Truth now: Time for Foreign Affairs Minister to Break his Silence
Today, the Parliament meets. Like the rest of the population, I am eagerly awaiting a comprehensive statement from Prime Minister Rowley, in which he finally tells the truth about the very alarming, ongoing ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco. Judging from his latest Facebook post, though, it does not appear that this will in fact happen.
This after recent media reports about a Government document that plainly indicts National Security Minister, Stuart Young, of telling blatant untruths on this issue. Yesterday’s Guardian editorial also questioned why both he and PM Rowley would engage in this apparent willful deceit.
PM Rowley then said he ‘rejects being called a liar’ by the Guardian. Yet, as I have pointed out before, his utter lack of public credibility and trust is something he has completely brought upon himself by virtue of his very questionable, failed governance of T&T.
It is especially so with regard to this very controversial Fuelgate fiasco. This deals with a very worrying investigation by the United States into T&T for a possible breach of its sanctions against Venezuela after:
– State owned Paria sold a gas fuel shipment to Aruba which possibly ended up in Venezuela
– Serious questions have arisen as to whether this deal was discussed at a meeting in March 2020, attended by PM Rowley, Ministers Stuart Young and Dennis Moses, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez and her delegation of senior PDVSA energy officials
– These officials, and the aircraft they travelled on, are facing sanctions, money laundering and drug trafficking charges in the US.
– The US has confirmed the meeting is in breach of the Rio Treaty
– PM Rowley claims it was to discuss Covid-19 but there were no health officials from either country in attendance.
– He has also incredulously alleged that he was not introduced to the PDVSA officials or briefed about anything concerning this meeting.
Minister Young, who was solely responsible for opening up our locked borders, also brazenly claimed similar ignorance. Yet, a letter from the Permanent Secretary in his National Security Ministry has emerged in the media, which totally contradicts this claim.
He now stands accused of perpetrating a dangerous, calculated plot to blatantly deceive the people of T&T. PM Rowley has so far consistently refused to account to the people through Parliament on this crucial matter of public interest. As it is, therefore, only one person can now do so.
It is Minister Moses. The Foreign Affairs Minister has thus far remained deafeningly silent on this entire imbroglio. Yet, according to established protocols, his role in this matter would have been very significant, since he would have been responsible for:
– Organizing and pre-arranging all details of this meeting, including the agenda of what was to be discussed
– Advising the Prime Minister and National Security Minister about all the ongoing sanctions against all the Venezuelan persons in attendance,
– Advising the PM as to all relevant International Treaties which could thusly be impacted.
Undoubtedly, this ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco has very serious implications for our nation’s ongoing credibility and trust in our invaluable independent Public Service systems and national security apparatus. It can also seriously compromise, or even damage, our historically beneficial and very much needed international trade relations with the US, our greatest global ally.
It is now up to Minister Moses to therefore, do his patriotic duty and immediately publicly say what actually happened at that fateful meeting. Depending on what he reveals, this very strange, ever-changing, frankly nightmarish story of the Rowley Government may very well have a happy ending yet for the Prime Minister and National Security Minister.
I highly doubt it, but only Minister Moses can now tell. I’m therefore calling on him to immediately do so, for citizens of this country deserve nothing less than truth and transparency from their Government.
Stay safe and God bless.