Rowley Remains Confused: PNM Crashed Everything Long Before Covid

After the Prime Minister addressed the nation today from his home in Tobago, one would notice that the picture he has painted of his government’s response to COVID-19 is not the reality of what the population is facing on the ground. He boasted about a parallel health...
Posted On 25 Oct 2020
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Kamla: A Rewind, not a Reset – How PNM Destroyed the Foreign Used Car Industry

As we come to an end of the Standing Finance Committee stage of the budget, we look back at the PNM’s Budget 2020/2021. They have been calling this Budget a “reset” but judging by the policies within, or rather the lack of policies, this Budget is not a reset...
Posted On 22 Oct 2020
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MP for Oropouche West: “I will not be intimidated”

I am a representative for ALL of Trinidad and Tobago. I swore an oath of office to serve all without fear or favour, and I intend to do exactly that. I will not be intimidated by Stuart Young and his rantings, by his race baiting or his divisive attacks. This morning’s vile...
Posted On 21 Oct 2020
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Tancoo: FSO Nabarima is a Ticking Time Bomb

UNC M.P. for Oropouche West, Dave Tancoo, is cautioning that “the Trinidad & Tobago Government’s mishandling of the potential disaster – associated with the dangerously listing oil tanker FSO Nabarima – is a ticking time bomb.” “Our Nation is facing a potential...
Posted On 21 Oct 2020
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MP Ameen Condemns PM Rowley Wrongful Accusation

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen, is condemning Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley for claiming that the opposition United National Congress ‘has a habit of sabotaging Trinidad and Tobago when they are not in office’. MP Ameen stated that this was a desperate...
Posted On 19 Oct 2020
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Couva North MP: Fix Praedial Larceny Squad now

I refer to an October 17, 2020 online article by Guardian Media Newsroom published on CNC3’s Facebook page entitled, “Farmer kills man stealing plantains”. This is the sad evidence of the unfortunate reality that farmers across Trinidad and Tobago face on a daily basis; that of...
Posted On 19 Oct 2020
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Tancoo: Fix Oropouche West Infrastructure NOW

OROPOUCHE WEST MP SAYS REPAIRS ARE LONG OVERDUE AND CALLS FOR ADDITIONAL WORK TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY Davendranath Tancoo, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, today expressed thanks to the Ministry of Works and Transport for beginning significant repair work on the SS Erin...
Posted On 17 Oct 2020
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MP Charles: PM Rowley continues to embarrass TT on the international stage

Last night at the PNM’s Virtual Post Budget Meet Up at Belmont, PM Rowley dubbed UK MP Steve Baker, as an “itinerant UK MP” after Mr Baker’s call for the TT Government to bring its citizens home. The Prime Minister continues to provoke our international allies and create...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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MP Haynes calls on Minister of Works to provide update on Caratal Road Landslip

The Member of Parliament for Tabaquite Ms. Anita Haynes is calling on the Minister of Works and Transport to provide an update as to when we can expect work to start on the Gasparillo Caratal Road Landslip. This project was submitted to the PURE Unit since the estimated cost to...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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UNC: Rowley Must Stop Campaigning and Get to Work – Citizens are Suffering

Last night at the PNM’s virtual meeting one could be forgiven for thinking that the PNM was campaigning for an upcoming General Election and that Keith Rowley was never the Prime Minister for the past five years. What was on display last night on the PNM platform was gutter...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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