
Kamla: Passage of Procurement Amendment Bill a macabre irony

Today, as the world marks International Anti-Corruption Day, it is a macabre irony that on the eve of this important day, the PNM government butchered the long-awaited Procurement law paving the way for corruption. The government I led created and passed comprehensive procurement...
Posted On 09 Dec 2020
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Saddam: Young Must Apologize for Misleading the Parliament

Last Friday, I piloted a Private Member’s Motion to condemn the Government for its failure to deal with crime. I took issue with the gross incompetence of the Minister of National Security and his mismanagement of our border security. Central to the issue of border security is...
Posted On 03 Dec 2020
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Kamla: Government attempting to Water Down Procurement Act

The Procurement Act was passed in December 2014 and partially proclaimed by my Government in July 2015. The objects of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act 2015 were to promote: (a) the principles of accountability, integrity, transparency and value for...
Posted On 02 Dec 2020
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Opposition Leader Message on International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

Today I join with the women and men of our nation as well as millions of people across the globe as we recognize International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women. Though women in our society have made enormous strides in every field over the past decades, sadly,...
Posted On 25 Nov 2020
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MP for Oropouche West: Woodland Residents need compensation now

MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo is demanding that Government agencies and Heritage Petroleum meet with representatives of those fisherfolk and residents affected by the oil spill in Woodland, for the purpose of providing a status update and the way forward in regards...
Posted On 21 Nov 2020
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Opposition Chief Whip responds on Opposition’s position with Anti Gang Amendment Bill 2020

The Opposition’s responsibility is to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, not to the PNM Government. We are not there to rubberstamp legislation that places a Band-Aid over an open wound while the Government ignores the wound that is festering. The proliferation of gangs can be...
Posted On 21 Nov 2020
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UNC Internal Elections – Notice of Venues

TAKE NOTICE that the Internal Elections Management Committee of the United National Congress has established the following Polling Venues and Polling Stations to be used for the purposes of voting in the National Executive Elections to be held on December 6th 2020. Voting takes...
Posted On 19 Nov 2020
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MP Tancoo: Investigate South Oropouche River oil spill now

MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo is demanding an urgent investigation into the reports of the presence of a substantial amount of oil in the waters of the South Oropouche river, at the New Cut Channel/Godineau River happening now. In an urgent letter emailed to the EMA...
Posted On 18 Nov 2020
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Couva North MP – Government must act with haste to address rising Crime level

Crime is once again on the upswing in Central Trinidad. Just two days ago, a McBean, Couva family was tormented by masked gunmen who forcibly entered their home in the early morning. This follows a spate of home invasions in Central, with robbery being the main motive. With each...
Posted On 16 Nov 2020
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Diwali 2020

On behalf of my family, and the United National Congress, I wish to extend a warm Shubh Diwali to all of Trinidad and Tobago. This Diwali celebration is of course a unique one. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic, we cannot celebrate with our friends and family as we normally would....
Posted On 14 Nov 2020
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