
Kamla: Protect our mothers, our daughters, and all citizens

As we celebrate another Mother’s Day in the midst of a pandemic, we cannot overlook the important and necessary role the mothers of our nation play in the family, community and in our national development. This Mother’s Day we are faced with a worrying increase in infections and...
Posted On 08 May 2021
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Kamla: This is a time for humility and not arrogance

Trinidad and Tobago cannot breathe today because of the failure of the Keith Rowley Government. 196 families and counting have lost loved ones because of abject mismanagement. When the Covid numbers were at minimum levels the Government was praising itself and patting itself on...
Posted On 07 May 2021
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Kamla: Rowley’s lockdown locks out the vulnerable

The Rowley government has run out of ideas on how to deal with this health crisis, and our nation’s future is now even more uncertain. One year later, when other countries are returning to a semblance of normalcy, Trinidad and Tobago is facing its worst crisis, due to the...
Posted On 03 May 2021
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MP Mohit: Greater Woes for the Poor and Vulnerable from Covid-19 Measures

As the country continues to grapple with the tidal surge in Covid-19 cases inclusive of the new variant, the Rowley administration is hell-bent on creating greater hardship on the poor and low income earners of this country. Notwithstanding the need for stringent measures to...
Posted On 03 May 2021
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Senator Lutchmedial: PM’s Statement Reeks of Dictatorship

The PM’s threat to citizens that police can enter private premises is a dangerous and misleading statement which reeks of the unbridled dictatorship which has become synonymous with the PNM and Keith Rowley particularly since the onset of the Covid pandemic. A responsible and...
Posted On 30 Apr 2021
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Opposition Leader: Lockdown without an economic plan

In the same manner as last year’s lockdown measures, Keith Rowley’s new measures are being done without a proper plan. The Prime Minister has said once again that the country has no money and therefore is unable to provide any support to businesses and individuals who would...
Posted On 29 Apr 2021
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Opposition Leader – Instead of a rollback, Govt should roll out measures to fix economy

The recent decision to reinstate lockdown measures is incoherent and symptomatic of the clueless and ineffectual Rowley-led government. These latest measures will be a “knock out” punch for hundreds of businesses already struggling due to the failure of this government to ensure...
Posted On 15 Apr 2021
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Kamla : Millions for Faris’s Wife But None for Scholarships

The obscene revelation that the Office of the Prime Minister has retained the legal services of the law firm belonging to the wife of Attorney General Faris Al Rawi, demonstrates the Rowley PNM’s flagrant conduct in using public office to enrich their friends and financiers....
Posted On 15 Apr 2021
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Easter 2021

Each year, like many of around the world, I look forward to the joyous celebration of Easter. As I wish our Christian community a happy and holy Easter 2021, I reflect upon its enriching message from which citizens across our nation can all benefit, especially during these tough...
Posted On 03 Apr 2021
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Kamla: The Rowley PNM’s vaccine fiasco has shot T&T in the foot

The press conference today held by Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh should send alarm bells throughout the entire of Trinidad and Tobago, as it is now abundantly clear the Government has no real vaccination roll out plan. It is fitting that Deyalsigh chose today to hold...
Posted On 01 Apr 2021
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