
Opposition Leader reiterates call to President to clear the air on interference meeting or resign

I have taken note of Her Excellency President Paula Mae Weeks’ latest list of names for the Police Service Commission. It is extremely peculiar that the name of Mr. Earnest Koylass has now mysteriously been removed without explanation from the said list. This also comes the...
Posted On 12 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader Calls for President Resignation

Given the controversial manner in which the Police Service Commission (PolSC) collapsed, one would have hoped that Her Excellency, President Paula-Mae Weekes would have exercised better judgment in attempting to repair the serious constitutional crisis that has arisen. However,...
Posted On 12 Oct 2021
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Tancoo: Government manipulating figures to understate expenditure and debt

Today MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo engaged in the Standing Finance Committee of the Parliament demanding explanations from government for how they spent taxpayers’ money. Several inconsistencies were identified which suggest that the government deliberately...
Posted On 11 Oct 2021
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Padarath calls for Minister Intervention as Massive Protest Engulf South

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath is calling on the Minister of Public Utilities to provide immediate action and intervention as massive protest action swept across Moruga and Barrackpore this morning. Residents of these areas have gone without water for the past few months. The...
Posted On 11 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: an act of cowardice

In an act of cowardice, Keith Rowley hid from Parliament and did not speak in the budget debate. Is it that Keith Rowley is too weak to stand and speak in parliament for a mere 45 minutes to defend his own budget? It is evident that this dictator cannot defend his punishing...
Posted On 10 Oct 2021
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Tancoo: Imbert’s ratch budget, war against ordinary people

This budget is a “ratch”, made up of unrealistic predictions based on impractical plans that will not benefit average citizens. So said MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo speaking on a wide ranging interview on Akash Vani 106.5 FM this morning. MP Tancoo who is the shadow...
Posted On 06 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: Safe Zones set to fail as currently designed

Once again Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi has presented another piece of legislation that is illogical, poorly conceived, and bound to fail. These so-called “TT Safe Zones” is a conceptual disaster and will undoubtedly be worse in practice. We shudder to think of the chaos that...
Posted On 03 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley’s administrative error excuse for PSC collapse is mind-boggling

On Saturday, the Prime Minister did not even try to defend Al Rawi’s recklessness and incompetence which caused the collapse of the entire Police Service Commission (PolSC). This is in stark contrast to his defence of other Members of his Cabinet who also faced serious...
Posted On 03 Oct 2021
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Kamla Calls for Investigation into Sale of AG Al Rawi Car

The recent revelations surrounding the Attorney General regarding the sale of his car to a former member of the Police Service Commission Roger Kawalsingh are extremely serious. If the allegations surrounding this matter are true it would mean the Attorney General, the legal...
Posted On 01 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: AG Al Rawi Continues to Blunder, Revoking Wrong Curfew Order

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi continues to display an exceptionally low level of competency in carrying out his duties. In his latest legal blunder, the Attorney General revoked the wrong legal notice to change the times of the curfew under the State of Emergency. In changing...
Posted On 30 Sep 2021
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