
Lutchmedial: Vieira has Compromised Independence of Judiciary

Senator Anthony Vieira has compromised the independence of the Judiciary and violated the entrenched principle of separation of powers by bringing senior jurists into his senseless squabble with the Opposition. In a most astounding declaration, Senator Vieira told the Upper House...
Posted On 26 Nov 2021
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The attempt by the Minister of Finance Colm Imbert to trivialise the recent downgrade of Trinidad and Tobago’s credit rating is a desperate act of conmanship and deception by the Minister says MP for Oropouche West Davendranath Tancoo. Let us be very clear. Moody’s...
Posted On 20 Nov 2021
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Opposition Leader: PNM collapses debate on draconian TTRA

Today the PNM hastily and bizarrely adjourned the debate on their own notorious Revenue Authority. It is clear the PNM could not present a coherent, credible or factual response to the Leader of the Opposition who exposed their dictatorial plans to trample on the Constitution,...
Posted On 12 Nov 2021
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Opposition Questions PolSC Appointee with Close Ties to Rowley Business Partner

The Opposition calls for answers from the President on her Police Service Commission (PolSC) nominees, who were pushed through in the House of Representatives on Wednesday 10th November 2021, without Opposition approval or support, due to their severe conflicts of interests. One...
Posted On 12 Nov 2021
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Opposition meets with Communications Workers Union

On Friday 5th November 2021 an Opposition delegation met with the Communications Workers Union (CWU) at the Office of the Leader of Opposition to discuss mutual concerns about the erosion of democracy in our nation. The meeting was to discuss mapping out a course of action in...
Posted On 06 Nov 2021
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Where was the motion and code of conduct call into Rowley’s dog and cat, jammetry and sucking at the nipples comments? Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has thrown his full support behind Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar’s comments at the UNC Monday Night Forum,...
Posted On 05 Nov 2021
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Opposition Leader: Let the light of Divali enrich our lives

Each year it gives me great joy to join with our national community to wish our Hindu brothers and sisters Shubh Divali. Divali is a special time for Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago and across the globe, one where families, friends, communities come together to celebrate the joyous...
Posted On 03 Nov 2021
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MP Lee: Belle Vue residents want answers

Minister Rambharat as well as EMBD officials must immediately tell affected residents why quarrying has restarted at the Belle Vue Disaster Zone in Pointe a Pierre, a mere month after a family lost their entire home with others facing the same fate. On Thursday I witnessed a...
Posted On 30 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: One Rule for PNM and Another Rule for Everybody Else

According to a TV6 News report aired on Wednesday October 27, 2021, Prime Minister Rowley’s latest Covid-19 exposure came about after he came into close contact with a female employee at the Magdalena Golf Resort, Tobago, on Saturday October 23, 2021, who was unaware that she was...
Posted On 28 Oct 2021
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Opposition Leader: Rowley has created a ticking time bomb at TTPS

The news that 2,800 police officers are now left in limbo concerning their promotions and appointments is a disaster that concerns all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. This crisis is a ticking time bomb that jeopardizes the entire stability of the Trinidad and Tobago Police...
Posted On 27 Oct 2021
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