
Kamla condemns PNM’s use of teargas against peaceful demonstrators

I condemn the government’s use of tear gas against men, women and children peacefully singing hymns and praying in a demonstration of their human and constitutional rights in the Queen’s Park Savannah today, on Sunday 16 January 2022. Under Keith Rowley, Trinidad and...
Posted On 17 Jan 2022
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MP AMEEN: All UNC led corporations have resumed open pyre cremations for COVID-19 victims with immediate effect

The United National Congress wishes to announce that all UNC led corporations have resumed open pyre cremations for COVID-19 victims with immediate effect The announcement came from the Opposition’s Shadow Local Government Minister and MP for St. Augustine Constituency, Khadijah...
Posted On 16 Jan 2022
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Opposition Leader: Trinidad and Tobago’s Covid death toll demands an explanation

Dear Editor, Please permit me to respond to your editorial entitled ‘T&T’s scary Covid death toll’, published in the Trinidad Express on January 9th 2022. I fully endorse the statement by the Editorial board of the Express that, “(Trinidad and Tobago’s) Covid death toll...
Posted On 15 Jan 2022
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UNC completes screening of nominees for the Debe South Bye-Election

On Wednesday 12th January 2022 the United National Congress screened nominees for the upcoming bye-elections in Debe South. This was conducted by the Screening Committee and was held at the UNC’s headquarters located in San Fernando. This screening process went well into...
Posted On 13 Jan 2022
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MP AMEEN: Fake vaccination card allegations are absolutely false

MP Ameen has adamantly denied allegations circulating from social media blogger Rhoda Bharath’s Newsauce which stated that Ameen played a role in procuring fake vaccination cards for her constituency staff. Ms. Bharath is a PNM paid blogger who is clearly in the business of...
Posted On 11 Jan 2022
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Charles: Hinds – The biggest PNM lame duck

Eleven days into the new year, and with 12 murders more than a similar period last year, we are already seeing a continuation of the murder spree which closed 2021. Since the appointment of Hinds as National Security Minister, murders, kidnappings, fraud, general larceny,...
Posted On 11 Jan 2022
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Couva North MP: PNM incompetence to blame for increase in chicken prices

Last month, the Member of Parliament for Couva North issued a press release entitled “Chicken prices set to increase this Christmas season – Government neglecting T&T’s poultry industry!” In this, the MP highlighted several reasons for the increase, as well as the...
Posted On 11 Jan 2022
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Moonilal Meets Truckers

Oropouche East Member of Parliament and shadow Minister of Works and Transport Dr Roodal Moonilal met with over sixty truckers and small transport contractors on Sunday January 9, 2022 at the Debe Water park, Debe. The meeting was called to discuss complaints and grievances of...
Posted On 10 Jan 2022
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Charles: Rowley lame duck administration has collapsed, time for him to go

Rowley now leads a lame duck administration. He must now do the patriotic thing, surrender gracefully, demit office, and let a new government save us from utter chaos, increasing despair, and a sense that all is lost. Having been soundly rejected in his hometown and home island...
Posted On 08 Jan 2022
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Opposition Leader: We Must Never Lose Hope

The end of the year is usually a time when we take a pause and reflect on the twelve months which have passed. We remember those who have lost loved ones in this terrible pandemic that continues to plague our nation and I offer my sincere condolences to all who have lost those...
Posted On 31 Dec 2021
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