The first issue of The Checklist. in 2022 has been doing very well. We are pleasantly surprised that the runaway favourite article so far has been our feature “Getting to Know MP Arnold Ram: A Man of Many Parts” You can read it here ==>...
Posted On 30 Jan 2022
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The 1st Issue of 2022 of The Checklist. is our Biggest yet!

We’re pleased to announce that Volume 2, Number 1 of The Checklist. is now out. ==> Get it by clicking here.   This first issue of 2022 is our biggest yet, jam-packed with excellent and interesting stories, including: – discussions with NATUC and the Nurses...
Posted On 29 Jan 2022
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TANCOO: Political and geographical discrimination is unacceptable

The government is deliberately withholding funds budgeted for the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation (PDRC) resulting in the hardship and suffering of over 90,000 burgesses as goods and services cannot be rendered to them as is their right as citizens of this country, says MP for...
Posted On 29 Jan 2022
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Padarath to Gonzales: PNM Sabotaged Beetham for Over 60 Years

Padarath stated that this was a tactic of the PNM government to deflect from their incompetence and inability to effectively address the issues plaguing their own constituents. He however noted that this was nothing new since one just has to look at the conditions the PNM has...
Posted On 26 Jan 2022
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Opposition Leader: Did Rowley deliberately sabotage selection of a Commissioner of Police?

Yet again the deception of Keith Rowley has been exposed for all to see.  Thanks to a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj, citizens can now see for themselves the Police Service Commission (PolSC) Merit List, which was submitted...
Posted On 25 Jan 2022
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UNC Women’s Arm Condemns Use of Tear Gas

On Sunday January 16, 2022, the country looked on in horror with scenes resembling Venezuela as tear gas was used to disperse a small gathering of peaceful protesters at the Queens Park Savannah. As images and video footage emerges of the event, we saw heart-wrenching reports of...
Posted On 23 Jan 2022
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MP Lee: Minister Sinanan’s deception & neglect must stop. Fix the Roads now

The broken promises, deception and total neglect by the Minister of Works and Transport towards the constituents of Pointe a Pierre must stop now. This morning, frustrated by the Minister of Works and Transport’s consistent refusal to adequately repair the Southern Main...
Posted On 21 Jan 2022
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TANCOO Warns: Special Economic Zones compromised by poor infrastructure

The inability of this government to put in place basic requirements to successfully attract investors, threatens to sabotage the stated intentions of the Government planned Special Economic Zones (SEZ) says MP for Oropouche West Davendranath Tancoo. MP Tancoo speaking in...
Posted On 20 Jan 2022
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Dr. Gopeesingh: PM Rowley’s Covid-19 Investigative Committee Is a Sham

The appointment of a five member committee by Prime Minister Rowley to investigate the standards of Covid-19 health care and conditions at the nation’s hospitals is nothing short of a scam and blatant attempt to hoodwink the population.   It shows that he has finally bowed to the...
Posted On 17 Jan 2022
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Chairman of the People’s National Movement (PNM) Women’s League Camille Robinson-Regis in a statement told women that “they hold the purchasing power in their hands.” “The league is also encouraging citizens to buy local as much as possible and firmly believes that the nation can...
Posted On 17 Jan 2022
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