
Opposition Leader: No Budget for Carnival 2022, a taste of PNM incompetence

The National Carnival Commission received no allocation for funding in the 2022 Budget, so then where is the money coming from? Where did the NCC Chairman get this figure of $30 Million from? Is it really 30 million or 50? Or some other even larger figure. T&T has been...
Posted On 03 Feb 2022
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Padarath: Petrotrin gone, TSTT gone, WASA next

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath is today reminding the population that the Opposition United National Congress warned the nation on the eve of the 2020 General Election of Government’s intention to privatise several state enterprises, thereby sending thousands of workers...
Posted On 03 Feb 2022
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Remember Inez Gate? What is the Integrity Commission doing about the fact that Keith Rowley as Prime Minister did not fill in the required information in his Form B? Neil Gosine looks back at that in The Checklist. here ==>...
Posted On 03 Feb 2022
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Tancoo: Gov’t failing in its fiduciary duties

Today’s report that international credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s (S&P) has downgraded Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Limited is further evidence of a continued collapse of confidence in the PNM Government and is completely unacceptable said MP for Oropouche West...
Posted On 03 Feb 2022
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Donna Cox Tells Elderly and Disabled Starve for Two Months

How callous and heartless the Minister of Social Development and Family Services, Senator the Honourable Donna Cox, can be? After 1,836 cheques were reported stolen, following a break-in at the TT Post Office in Sangre Grande, the Ministry of Social Development and Family...
Posted On 02 Feb 2022
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Opposition Leader: No job is safe, PNM has betrayed TSTT workers

The announcement that 600 workers have been terminated from TSTT is the latest betrayal by this PNM government on the people of Trinidad and Tobago. I had warned the country on Monday night that this would occur. TSTT had approximately 1000 workers. Therefore, this means...
Posted On 02 Feb 2022
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UNC Women’s Arm: One Year Later, Still No Pepper Spray

On the anniversary of the gruesome death of Arima court clerk Andrea Bharatt comes another gruesome death of another young lady. The devastating news came when the body of Keithisha Cudjoe was found in the same area of the Heights of Aripo where Andrea Bharatt’s body was found....
Posted On 02 Feb 2022
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Today there were two protests, one in Mosquito Creek with residents of Fyzabad and La Brea joined by UNC MPs Dr. Roodal Moonilal, Dave Tancoo and Dr. Lackram Bodoe, to protest the corruption at Mosquito Creek. Also, MP, Councillors and Residents of Caroni East protested...
Posted On 01 Feb 2022
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Dr. Ragbir: Critical Shortage of Lasix

Lasix is primarily used to treat fluid retention (edema) that is caused by Congestive Cardiac Failure liver disease, kidney disease among other medical conditions. It works by activating the kidneys to increase the flow of urine. Presently, this life saving drug is not available...
Posted On 01 Feb 2022
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With the dramatic and catastrophic collapse of  Package 5A of the Mosquito Creek roadway, now is a good time to revisit the Panel Discussion on “Fixing Our Infrastructure“...
Posted On 31 Jan 2022
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