
INDARSINGH: Questions Gov’t Slow Response, Prays for Trapped Divers

Today, the country joins hands and hearts with the families of Kazim Ali Jr, Fyzal Kurban, Yusuf Henry and Rishi Nagassar, four of the five underwater welders still submerged as a result of yesterday’s harrowing pipeline incident. While we are all grateful that the fifth...
Posted On 26 Feb 2022
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Indarsingh Slams Government, Police for Arresting Peaceful Protestors

It is regrettable that today, the police executed initiative to arrest a number of protesters outside of the Parliament in a clear indication that our democracy is currently being compromised. My understanding is that concerned citizens of this country decided to simply hold up...
Posted On 25 Feb 2022
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MP Lee : Gov’t lost moral authority to lead T&T

Atlantic Train One is another “Petrotrin betrayal” as yet again the Rowley regime has deceived, misled and lied to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The consistent lies and untruths of this Government on Train One clearly indicates that the Rowley regime has lost the...
Posted On 24 Feb 2022
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PADARATH: Gov’t Aborted PAAC Meeting Into Blackout, What are They Hiding?

Opposition Shadow Minister of Public Utilities, MP Barry Padarath is expressing shock and outrage at a press release put out by the Parliament yesterday evening saying that the Public Administration and Appropriation Committee meeting into the recent blackout and power outage was...
Posted On 24 Feb 2022
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PM Rowley should have gone to Guyana

Rowley’s speech at the GECF Summit in Doha, Qatar, did nothing more than highlight his administration’s failure to manage our energy sector in an evolving global climate. Anyone who says otherwise has bought into the PNM propaganda. While complaining about lost revenues due to...
Posted On 23 Feb 2022
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PADARATH: Rohan’s Excuses for his Incompetence is Ridiculous

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has once more slammed the Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan for what he describes as ridiculous excuses for his incompetence as it relates to the landslips and poor road conditions in St. Julien. Padarath said that he took note of the...
Posted On 23 Feb 2022
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Today, the Opposition UNC Senators defended themselves and the Party well from the frivolous, anti-democratic motion by Senator Anthony Viera. Senator Wade Mark noted that the Parliament was a gayelle. Senator Jearlean John thundered, “The UNC is a political party. If you...
Posted On 22 Feb 2022
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PADARATH: Elderly Couple’s Death Due to Rohan’s Incompetence

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan for the death of two elderly constituents earlier today due to a fire. Padarath, who has been clamouring for the St. Julien road to be fixed and rehabilitated for the past two years, criticized...
Posted On 20 Feb 2022
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We congratulate Kamla Persad-Bissessar on her success in forcing the Government to conduct an inquiry into the handling of covid. We take this opportunity to share the experiences of our front-line workers in their own voices as they have had to deal with the Government’s...
Posted On 20 Feb 2022
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Blackout No Laughing Matter

This afternoon’s Press Conference held by the Minister of National Security should have addressed what T&TEC’s General Manager Kelvin Ramsook described as the “catastrophic failure” which led to the island-wide blackout on Wednesday. Instead, it was nothing more than an...
Posted On 17 Feb 2022
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