
Energy Chamber enters political arena

I note with great concern the overt entry into the political arena by the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Chamber in attempting to sanitize the Government’s appointment of Eugene Tiah to the Paria Trading investigation committee. Almost immediately after my questioning of the...
Posted On 07 Mar 2022
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The Energy Chamber curiously came out of the woodwork — after days of silence — to condemn Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, defend Minister Stuart Young and to defend the thoroughly compromised Eugene Tiah’s nomination to the Cabinet-appointed committee to...
Posted On 06 Mar 2022
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Young Appoints Former Client to Paria Investigative Committee

On Thursday 3rd March 2022, the Government announced the creation of yet another special committee, this time to investigate the preventable deaths of four underwater welders at Paria Fuel Trading’s facility. One person named on this committee by Minister of Energy Stuart Young...
Posted On 05 Mar 2022
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Need for a Special COVID -19 Committee

I note the recent announcement made by the Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley today in the Parliament concerning the reducing of many of COVID-19 Restrictions. In light of these reductions comes at a time where globally we are seeing Countries that have done such reductions way...
Posted On 04 Mar 2022
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Rowley lifting Covid-19 restrictions to distract from Paria deaths

After being unexplainably absent from the public since his return from Doha, Prime Minister Keith Rowley appeared in Parliament today to announce the sudden rollback of Covid-19 restrictions, including putting his ill-conceived mandatory vaccination policy on hold. In light of...
Posted On 04 Mar 2022
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Hinds, You are not paid $50k a month to talk Nonsense on Facebook

Minister Hinds needs to spend more time on his full time job of reducing our out of control murder rates rather than spewing venom against perceived political enemies on social media. Hinds must begin showing measurable results to justify the over $50,000 monthly he receives in...
Posted On 03 Mar 2022
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Today, I along with a delegation from Couva South met with the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Water and Sewerage Authority, Mr Sherland Sheppard, and a delegation from WASA’s management. This meeting was held subsequent to the meeting held last week in Couva South...
Posted On 03 Mar 2022
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PADARATH: Cabinet Sub-Committee another Ploy to Privatize TSTT

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath believes that the announcement made today that the Cabinet has decided to establish a Cabinet Sub-Committee to look into the viability and woes at TSTT is another ploy to privatize the company. Padarath stated that within recent times the...
Posted On 03 Mar 2022
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Lent must bring us closer to God to defeat the burdens around us

As Christians around the world observe the start of the auspicious Lenten period, I take this opportunity to offer our national community a blessed, solemn and spiritually enriching time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Lent is not only an important observance in the Christian...
Posted On 02 Mar 2022
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Four lives lost, There must be accountability in this tragedy

Like the rest of the nation, I am deeply saddened by the tragic events which unfolded over the weekend involving a diving crew of underwater welders in the waters off Pointe a Pierre. Today my thoughts and prayers are with the families of Fyzal Kurban, Rishi Nagassar, Yusuf...
Posted On 28 Feb 2022
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