False claims by herbalists

Absolute Rubbish! This would be my response to the comments made by Trevor Sayers about the Minister of Health, Dr Fuad Khan statements on writing the DPP to intervene against herbal practitioners who make false claims about curing various major illnesses. 
Posted On 15 May 2013
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PNM did the chopping, Dr Rowley

I have now officially lost hope in the Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley. Dr Rowley seems to be very efficient at contradicting himself every Monday, week after week. I must admit that his precision and execution is almost flawless. 
Posted On 15 May 2013
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Authorised phone calls the best option

It is my belief that solutions can be sourced to many of the problems facing our country. However, our problems have remained due to the failure of both present and previous governments to act on the information presented to them. 
Posted On 15 May 2013
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PNM believes lies can help it gain public support

Faris Al-Rawi, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) said on national television on Monday that the cabinet proclaimed Section 34, which the Parliament later repealed. “The Prime Minister has yet to speak to the issue of...
Posted On 14 May 2013
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PM Kamla Speech at UNC MNF, Tunapuna

HON. KAMLA PERSAD-BISSESSAR, SC, MP MNF: TUNAPUNA HINDU SCHOOL – 13 MAY 2013 (Check against delivery)    Thank YOU St Augustine. Thank you Tunapuna. Thank you Trinidad and Tobago. It’s so good to be home and amongst family. I am happy to be here with you my partners!...
Posted On 14 May 2013
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Good move to rid CDAP abuse

THE EDITOR: It’s amazing that just about every Government social programme is being severely abused to the detriment of its beneficiaries and taxpayers. The latest casualty is the Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP).
Posted On 14 May 2013
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UNC heads to Tunapuna tonight

The United National Congress (UNC) Monday night forum rolls into Tunapuna today.
Posted On 13 May 2013
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Prakash joins Kamla on MNF platform

The United National Congress is holding Monday’s political forum (MNF) in the St Augustine constituency, which is represented by Congress of the People (COP) leader, Prakash Ramadhar. And reports say Ramadhar would not only welcome members of the People’s Partnership...
Posted On 13 May 2013
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PM: US must do more

Noting that Persad-Bissessar met with US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in Washington DC on April 17, Dookeran said the Prime Minister “stressed the need for the US Government to do more to assist TT and other Caribbean countries in the fight against the illegal drug...
Posted On 13 May 2013
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Crying for closure on Clico/HCU matters

Please permit me to write about a matter which has caused great emotional stress to my family over the last four years. It took me several days to write this letter and even as I write it I cannot help but be brought to tears. 
Posted On 12 May 2013
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