Politics before food

THE CLOSURE of Caroni (1975) Limited and consequent devastating impact on the agriculture sector and TT’s food security, may be directly linked to political considerations surrounding the then PNM government’s fear of a repeat of the 18-18 general election deadlock of 2001,...
Posted On 18 May 2013
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This Govt is owning up to its mistakes

Once again, this Government has proven it is very proactive. Gone are the days when a government would knowingly condone corruption and bad governance in its ranks. One just has to stretch their memory to the Calder Hart situation where Dr Keith Rowley, as his one time line...
Posted On 18 May 2013
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UNC to set timetable for screening candidates

Deputy political leader of the United National Congress Dr Roodal Moonilal said yesterday that the party is expected to meet in a few days time to set the timetable for screening of candidates for the by-election in the Chaguanas West constituency. The Housing Minister spoke with...
Posted On 18 May 2013
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Air Jamaica was PNM policy

Yesterday was yesterday. Today is today. Politics really seems to possess a morality of its own. Imagine my surprise as I read in the newspapers statements by Dr Rowley’s that Air Jamaica is bleeding T&T. 
Posted On 17 May 2013
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Finance Minister Larry Howai’s statement on new CAL Board

Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the media and thank you for attending this short press briefing. Today, I shall be discussing Caribbean Airlines Limited. I shall be brief. Government has decided to replace the Board with a new interim Board.
Posted On 17 May 2013
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AG: Duprey should apologise to the entire nation

Mr. Duprey is reported to have demanded an apology from Attorney General Anand Ramlogan for what he (Duprey), considers to be misleading information about his whereabouts during the recently concluded Commission of Enquiry into the failed CLICO conglomerate.
Posted On 17 May 2013
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Happy over ‘Land for the Landless’

THE EDITOR: The cost of living in this country is really too high. I recently got married to my husband. We both are graduates from the University of West Indies and are permanently employed. However, we are forced to still live at his parents’ because our combined income before...
Posted On 16 May 2013
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Anti-Doping bill passed in Senate

LEGISLATION to introduce anti-doping rules in the sport fraternity was passed unanimously in the Senate on Tuesday night with amendments. As a result, the Anti-Doping in Sport Bill 2013 will have to return to the House of Representatives where the amendments will have to be approved.
Posted On 16 May 2013
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AG: Let’s appreciate sacrifices made by law enforcement

Attorney General An­and Ramlogan says “a sharp line” must be drawn by the society to prevent incidents like the killing of acting police corporal Terrence Abraham, who died after being shot in Couva on Tuesday night. Ramlogan also said there must be “a certain measure of...
Posted On 16 May 2013
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Opposition Leader severely wanting

We’re at no-confidence motion number four. The three failed before, and the result shall be no different this time around. So what does this signal about the Opposi­tion? Are they so devoid of ideas that they need to revert to the same old failed tactics? This does not augur well...
Posted On 16 May 2013
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