PP gets fair rating on economy

These results are from a nationwide survey on current issues conducted by the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, for the T&T Guardian. The major intention of this survey is to assess popular opinion on a number of major...
Posted On 21 May 2013
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Couva Celebrates Indian Arrival

Couva residents saw Indian Arrival Day celebrations at the Couva Savannah on Saturday as a grand function was hosted by the St. Andrew’s St. Youth, Sports & Cultural Group in collaboration with the Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo Regional Corporation, MP’s Ramona Ramdial and...
Posted On 21 May 2013
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AG says Rowley reckless, claims emails fabricated

Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley could face the Privileges Committee of the Parliament for his disclosure in the Lower House on Monday. This was the view of Attorney General Anand Ramlogan who is implicated in allegations of conspiracy, spying and attacking members of key...
Posted On 21 May 2013
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KAMLA refutes fabricated mails, writes to the Commissioner of Police on Allegations

The People’s Partnership Government categorically refutes any authorship in the series of printouts of alleged electronic mails between members of the government during a period of September 2012. The content of the print-outs as read into the Parliamentary debate this...
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Expect Govt surprises—Moonilal

Leader of the Opposition Dr Keith Rowley will present a motion in his name at 1.30 this afternoon in the House of Representatives calling on all Government and Opposition MPs to express their lack of confidence in Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Up to yesterday, Rowley was...
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Thank you, PNM Women’s League!

If Penny Beckles had any sense, she’d think twice before opening her mouth next time. Nonetheless, having read where she and the PNM Women’s League are claiming the fame for laying the groundwork so that the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C. could become UNC...
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Jack: I’ll file papers as UNC candidate for by-election

Former MP Jack Warner has revealed the day he intends to file nomination papers to be a candidate for the UNC for the upcoming by-election for the Chaguanas West seat. 
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Bring It On

PM: We will mash them up ON the eve of today’s debate in the Parliament on a no-confidence motion brought against Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar by Opposition leader Dr Keith Rowley, Persad-Bissessar yesterday told her supporters she was not afraid of persons who wanted to...
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Canada/TT unite for justice

The Canadian government will work closely with this country to improve the criminal justice system.
Posted On 20 May 2013
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Rowley Must Pay

More than just $12,000 I read in today’s newspaper that Attorney General Anand Ramlogan had initiated court proceedings against Opposition Leader Keith Rowley to recover the $12,000 owed to him from a court Order on January 14.  I wondered why emphasis was placed on the...
Posted On 19 May 2013
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