Rowley: PM must fire Jack

OPPOSITION Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday declared that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar can no longer protect National Security Minister Jack Warner and must immediately fire him from the Cabinet. Rowley issued this declaration in the wake of a report submitted to the...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Chaguanas West must be cured

THE EDITOR: Grasping the full scope of an expert manipulator’s influence is always an exhausting exercise. That’s why the upcoming Chaguanas West bye-election will confirm whether an area which produced intellectual giants like Rudranath Capildeo and Vidia Naipaul has become an...
Posted On 07 Jul 2013
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Kamla: I met with US State Dept officials

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday night pointed out that her decision to accept the resignation of Jack Warner as National Security Minister came after her meeting with US State Department officials. As she gave an account of the circumstances surrounding the...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Warner: PM until death

As he stood before hundreds of supporters in Couva on Tuesday night, Chaguanas West MP, Jack Warner, declared he would remain loyal to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the People’s Partnership until the day he died. Warner, who was one of two speakers to get a standing...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Mr Warner, United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Mr Jack Warner has launched his Independent Liberal Party (ILP) in his campaign for re-election into the Chaguanas West seat. But, what exactly does Mr Warner hope to accomplish by running against the UNC? Mr Warner claims that he has no fight against the Prime Minister, though...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Khadijah is the right package

I was at a Hindu religious ceremony at a school I was teaching at when I noticed a woman in a yellow sari greeting some staff members and helping package parsad. She was unusually kind and seemed to know everyone by name. She said hello to me and asked me what subject I taught...
Posted On 06 Jul 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends her heartfelt congratulations to all the students who received their SEA results yesterday, 4th July, 2013. As a former Minister of Education, Prime Minister noted with pride the increase in success in a wider cross section of schools...
Posted On 05 Jul 2013
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How ironic Mr. Warner

Dear Editor: No legacy is so rich as honesty William Shakespeare I was listening to the radio this week and I had the pleasure of hearing an advertisement that Mr. Jack Warner was delivery for one of his meetings. He closed by saying “be the change you want to see”. I...
Posted On 05 Jul 2013
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Warner, let’s have a better defence

Jack Warner’s responses to his alleged corruption charges come up wanting. Warner claimed that he did not travel abroad on Government business because he did not want to waste money. As the Minister of National Security, it was his duty to travel abroad to make proper...
Posted On 05 Jul 2013
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Don’t dishonour Chaguanas West

Mr Warner, there is no contending the fact that you have done great service to the constituents of Chaguanas West as well as T&T as a whole. There are many that can vouch for your hard, well intended work for your people and for the  Government. It would however be a word to...
Posted On 05 Jul 2013
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