Jack stop being a ‘cry baby’

THE EDITOR: Sometimes, the local political landscape is visited by elected representatives who go on to overstay their welcome. Sometimes their “longevity” is brought about by the unwillingness of their constituents to turn the broom upside down because said representatives knew...
Posted On 11 Jul 2013
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Water worries ended

THE EDITOR: We the people of Ecclesville Village in Bangladesh Road, Rio Claro would like to say a very special thank you to Mr Anand Jaggernauth, the South regional manager of WASA and his assistant Mr Robin. Also, thanks to our MP MrWinston Peters. To our very hard-working...
Posted On 11 Jul 2013
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Gopeesingh – No need for registration fees and textbook purchases

Disciplinary action will be taken against secondary schools who charge registration fees. Minister of Education, Dr Tim Gopeesingh made the statement as the meet with secondary school principals and school supervisors III at the Rudranath Capildeo Learning Resource Center,...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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UNC supporter beaten, thrown into drain—Ameen

United National Congress Chaguanas West by-election candidate Khadijah Ameen yesterday again claimed thuggery had reared its ugly heading the campaign. She made the comment during a walkabout with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at Cacandee Road, Felicity. She said several...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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Warner’s Twisted Logic

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar urged UNC supporters not to be “fooled” by the “twisted logic” being used by Jack Warner. This came after Mr Warner launched his Independent Liberal Party to contest the Chaguanas West by-election against the UNC select Khadijah Ameen.  Mr...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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No gutter politics, what a joke, Jack

MR Jack Warner and his supporters say they will not engage in mud-slinging and descend to  gutter politics. Who do they think they are fooling ? Anybody with a brain and good hearing knows that is exactly what they are doing for a month now, sometimes in a subtle, refined way and...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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It’s time to resign

Dr Keith Rowley needs to resign right now! The man has brought a bunch of forged e-mails and slandered the names of our parliamentarians with it. The entire thing has caused so much raucous and  marches like the one we saw on Friday, and for what? I demand an apology from the PNM...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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Arrest Dr Rowley now

Why hasn’t Keith Rowley been arrested? This man slandered the name of our country and its leaders all in his desperate quest for political might and power. The e-mails are fake and that’s that. Why then are we as citizens even tolerating any kind of far-fetched explanation from...
Posted On 10 Jul 2013
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After alleged altercation, Section 34 Group withdraws support for Avinash

The PNM’s Chaguanas West Candidate, Avinash Singh, has denied claims that he assaulted a member of the Section 34 Group on Monday. The Section 34 Group has withdrawn its support for Mr. Singh and according to the Group’s General Secretary, Mr. Richard Bickram, Mr....
Posted On 09 Jul 2013
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PM’s message on the occasion of Ramadan

The following is a message from Prime Minister, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar on the occasion of Ramadan. Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago connect themselves with the Muslims from all over the world by observing the Holy Month of Ramadan, with fasting and extra worship....
Posted On 09 Jul 2013
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