PM’s Speaking Notes at MNF July 15th 2013

Good evening. My colleagues on the Head Table. Members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament, supporters, friends, members of the media. Thank you for coming out this evening to support your party. You know, I have had the most wonderful experience over the past several days. I have...
Posted On 16 Jul 2013
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No longer between a rock and a hard place

I have been observing all the meetings that are taking place in my constituency for the past few weeks. It seems as though this seat is as important as a general elections with everyone’s ground troops geared up for battle. When the PP government took office in 2010 we all...
Posted On 16 Jul 2013
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Ameen gets Brown support

FORGET green. It’s Brown support for the United National Congress’ (UNC) candidate for the July 29 Chaguanas West bye-election Khadijah Ameen. This as co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago Hazel Brown has endorsed Ameen’s candidacy. At a dinner on Sunday at...
Posted On 16 Jul 2013
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Minister & Nursing Council unite to produce more nurses

The Minister of Health is hoping to make some changes to ensure this country produces more nurses. Speaking at the 21st Meeting of the Nursing Council at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Monday, Dr. Fuad Khan said he hoped to make changes to increase the output and capability of local...
Posted On 15 Jul 2013
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Light bulb swap programme launched

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs swapped CLF for incandescent bulbs from householders in Penal on Saturday as part of an initiative to encourage the population to be more energy efficient. The Ministry’s bulb swapping event on Saturday was part of a pilot project...
Posted On 15 Jul 2013
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Trying to paint PM as weak

THE EDITOR: As a woman I view Jack Warner’s allegations over the past months that there is a cabal in the Government that is controlling the Prime Minister as sexist and disrespectful. Mr Warner is trying to paint the Prime Minister as weak and unable to control her Government...
Posted On 15 Jul 2013
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Let’s Learn From Past Mistakes

If the constituents of Chaguanas West have done their homework, their choice of candidate in the by-election would be clear. History teaches us that the PNM has managed to remain in power in the past, because of a fracturing of the UNC. In 2001, one year after the UNC won the...
Posted On 14 Jul 2013
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Just clear your name Jack

The good book states “It easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven”. This analogy exemplifies the campaign being run by Jack Warner. Jack would rather spend millions of dollars, convince hundreds of...
Posted On 14 Jul 2013
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A crying shame for a public official

 As though Jack has not been plagued with enough corrupt and fraudulent behaviour, another headline emerged “Former minister solicited and received millions of dollars from wealthy business interests.” He always claimed that no fingers could point at him during his tenure...
Posted On 14 Jul 2013
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Kamla: Warner should debate Concacaf report

Why didn’t former government minister Jack Warner debate FIFA ethics committee’s Con­cacaf report with former justice David Simmons? Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar asked the question on Friday as she responded to War­ner’s call for a public debate with United National...
Posted On 14 Jul 2013
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