UNC Youth Arm in FULL SUPPORT of Khadijah Ameen

** OFFICIAL RELEASE** The UNC Youth Arm would like to state that the article currently being circulated via the social network and media is being used grossly out of context. In the article dated March 31st 2013, the Chairman of the youth arm, Mr.Nicholas Morris was showing...
Posted On 25 Jul 2013
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Racist rants taint ILP

Liberal use of the word “coolie” and other extreme language by a Guyanese speaker at the Independent Liberal Party’s public meeting on Tuesday night forced interim leader Jack Warner to issue a hasty apology yesterday and to ban his friend from speaking at future meetings. In his...
Posted On 25 Jul 2013
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Lights for Mulchan Seuchan Recreation Ground

The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) officially marked installation of $945,357.00 in lighting at the Mulchan Seuchan Recreation Ground, Waterloo, Carapichaima on Wednesday. The lights were installed under T&TEC’s Public Lighting Programme and mark the...
Posted On 25 Jul 2013
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JACK Warner, leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) and candidate in next Monday’s Chaguanas West bye-election, was upstaged on Tuesday at his rally at the New Settlement Recreation Ground, Charlieville, Chaguanas, by a guest speaker whose controversial words left...
Posted On 25 Jul 2013
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Rowley’s ineffectiveness exposing a character flaw

No one can dispute that Dr. Keith Rowley’s performance as the Leader of the Opposition over the course of the last three years has been extremely wanting. His record of achievement is non-existent, and he is building an extremely long list of failures under his leadership....
Posted On 24 Jul 2013
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Mr Warner You Have Disappointed Us All

Jack Warner has categorically shown the country that he will go to any length to win the Chaguanas West bye-election. Apart from the usual mud-slinging and cheap attacks on the UNC, he has now stooped to an all-time low. Mr Warner has recently alleged that the UNC candidate Ms....
Posted On 24 Jul 2013
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Medical Board on release of Ameen’s report: Warner was unethical

Independent Liberal Party (ILP) leader Jack Warner’s alleged possession of medical documents belonging to the UNC’s Chaguanas West by-election candidate Khadijah Ameen was yesterday described as a “disgrace” and “highly unethical.” Putting politics aside, public relations officer...
Posted On 24 Jul 2013
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UNC Deputy Political Leader Dr. Roodal Moonilal says the party is not ignoring polls that show Jack Warner’s Independent Labour Party (ILP) ahead of them. Dr. Moonilal was part of the team on walkabout duty at Cacandee Road with candidate Khadijah Ameen on Tuesday. He said...
Posted On 23 Jul 2013
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Dr Rowley Should Not Go Unscathed

It is high time that Dr Rowley be held accountable for trying to mislead the country with his e-mail allegations of conspiracy and corruption against the Prime Minister, and other Government officials. On May 23, one day after the defeat of his no-confidence motion in Parliament,...
Posted On 23 Jul 2013
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Do not be fooled by Jack

Is Jack Warner really the man voters in Chaguanas West think he is, or is he someone else? The people of Chaguanas West must consider this before they cast a vote for him on July 29. Undoubtedly Jack has been able to penetrate the psyche of certain sections of the electorate in...
Posted On 23 Jul 2013
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