Minister knocks Marlene on gas deal

Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine says the voting rights for the Loran/Manatee field are shared between the Government (16.9 per cent), BGTT  (4.98 per cent) and Chevron T&T (4.98 per cent). 
Posted On 24 Sep 2013
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Prime Minister Kamla Republic Day Message

ON THE OCCASION OF THE 37TH REPUBLICAN ANNIVERSARY Thirty-seven years ago we chose a path to development with a new constitution that allowed us to elect our own head of state and govern ourselves according to a new set of rules that gave us greater confidence as a young state...
Posted On 23 Sep 2013
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Hunting, trawling ban good for T&T

One day a few years ago I stood on the edge of a jetty “down the islands” with my cousin. We had practically grown up there, coming to swim, lime and fish since early childhood, and could remember the buckets of fish we caught there on a monthly basis. But something was different...
Posted On 23 Sep 2013
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UNC Youth Arm assists Diego Martin flood victims

The UNC Youth Arm under the astute leadership of Chairman Nicholas Morris in collaboration with Attorney General Anand Ramlogan visited Diego Martin on Sunday 22nd September. The UNC Youth on a Mission spent the evening with the residents who were affected by the recent flooding...
Posted On 23 Sep 2013
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UNC Youth Arm “Hands in the Sands” Balandra

The UNC Youth Arm led by chairman Nicholas Morris continues to be the most Proactive Youth Arm in Trinidad and Tobago dedicated to championing all causes. In continuing its Hands in the Sands Initiative, the UNC Youth on a Mission partnered with other groups in a joint effort in...
Posted On 22 Sep 2013
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PM: Teach our children tolerance and respect

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE MESSAGE: I must agree with United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, when he said: “On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect. Let us invest in the schools and teachers...
Posted On 21 Sep 2013
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PM at 2013 Clinton Global Initiative

PM KAMLA PERSAD-BISSESSAR will be a featured speaker at 2013 CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE (CGI). CGI’s 2013 theme, MOBILIZING FOR  IMPACT,  explores ways that CGI members and member organizations can be more effective in leveraging individuals, partner organizations, an...
Posted On 21 Sep 2013
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Vasant: Policy developed for used car industry

A policy for the used car industry has been developed and regulation of the sector will see an increase of some 1,000 jobs, says Trade Minister Vasant Bharath.
Posted On 21 Sep 2013
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Bharath: Port to get $25m scanner by Christmas

Trade, Industry and Investments Minister Vasant Bharath says by December this year the Port Authority will have the capacity to scan some 200 containers per hour. He said the Government recently purchased the $25 million scanner through a grant funded by the government...
Posted On 21 Sep 2013
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PM: T&T on growth path

Trinidad and Tobago is on a path of “unprecedented development” as the People’s Partnership Government has rescued the economy and implemented sound fiscal policies to achieve sustainable growth rates, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar boasted yesterday.
Posted On 20 Sep 2013
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