Fitzgerald won’t answer on $14 Million house

OPPOSITION Senator Fitzgerald Hinds yesterday sidestepped Attorney General (AG) Anand Ramlogan’s claims that Hinds lives in a $14 million mansion and has probably never invited poor children to visit, despite Hinds recently having told needy persons not to accept charitable...
Posted On 27 Sep 2013
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The Future of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean

“The Future of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean” at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, focused on “The Future of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean” in her address at the Clinton Global...
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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Nariva land for rice cultivation

Trinidad and Tobago is moving one step closer to becoming a food secure nation. This, after Cabinet has approved the allocation of 1,500 acres of State lands at Nariva to be allocated for commercial rice production. 
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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Fitzgerald’s $15M mansion

ATTORNEY GENERAL Anand Ramlogan called Opposition PNM Senator Fizgerald Hinds a hypocrite for telling Diego Martin schoolchildren not to accept UNC charity, while himself living in a $15 million, four-storey, upscale mansion in Maraval outfitted with a swimming pool.
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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ILP cutting track for PNM gouti

Dear Hon. Mr. Warner, You may recall earlier this year, you made allegations both in parliament and in public regarding a plot to subvert the government and de-stabilize the country. You went on to name several persons in this alleged conspiracy, one of whom, you also stated was...
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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T&T Taught Canada an Anti-Corruption Lesson

After weeks of maneuvering by the Canadian government to secure a lucrative contract in Trinidad and Tobago for graft-tainted engineering giant SNC-Lavalin, the government of that Caribbean nation has announced that it isn’t interested in dealing with a company that has...
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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PM Kamla Speaking Notes at UN General Assembly

Ladies and gentlemen As the Chairperson of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), I am both delighted and honoured to extend to you, congratulations on your assumption to the position of President of the 68th Session of the General...
Posted On 25 Sep 2013
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PM Kamla co-chairs meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar co-chairs meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Posted On 25 Sep 2013
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Regrettable opposition comments

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley and PNM MPs Colm Imbert and Marlene McDonald may have behaved irresponsibly in making alarmist statements on the ongoing negotiations between this country and Venezuela regarding the monetising of gas from the huge, cross-border, Loran/Manatee...
Posted On 25 Sep 2013
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Ramnarine clears air on gas deal

Recent “misinformation” by the Opposition PNM on the T&T/Venezuelan Loran Manatee gas venture has the potential to damage T&T’s relationship with Venezuela, its standing in the international energy community and it has damaged T&T’s future, says Energy Minister Kevin...
Posted On 25 Sep 2013
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