THE LAUNCH OF THE BREAK THE SILENCE CAMPAIGN (…ENDING CHILD SEX ABUSE) When the news breaks of a child who has suffered unimaginable abuse, immediately a fury is ignited, nationally. As a people, we become enraged and we call for immediate justice. As a people, it is our duty to...
Posted On 16 Jan 2014
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AG Mourns Passing of Karl Hudson-Phillips QC

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan notes with sadness the passing of former AG Mr. Karl Hudson-Phillips Q.C.  Mr. Hudson-Phillips or “Karl”, as he was affectionately known, was a larger than life character who dominated the political and legal landscape during his distinguished...
Posted On 16 Jan 2014
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PM: We have a lost a legal luminary

 PM offers condolences to the family of the late Karl Hudson-Phillips.   The death of Queen’s Counsel Karl Hudson-Phillips on Wednesday brings to an end, an era of legal luminaries in Trinidad and Tobago. His death was unexpected as he had travelled to London, England, a...
Posted On 16 Jan 2014
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St Vincent and St Lucia tell TT thanks for the help

ON Friday the final shipment of relief items from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) will be sent to St Vincent and St Lucia, following devastating floods on Christmas Eve. In a release yesterday, the ODPM announced that the shipment will leave the Port of...
Posted On 15 Jan 2014
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Minister: Nearly $3m paid to those affected

State oil company Petrotrin has to date paid out close to $3 million in compensation to those affected by the oil spills in the southwestern peninsula, Minister of Energy Kevin Ramnarine has said. Addressing Parliament at Tower D, International Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain on...
Posted On 12 Jan 2014
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Petrotrin Officials tour La Brea Community

Petrotrin continues to make significant progress in cleaning the beaches, shoreline and affected areas along the south western peninsula. Today a delegation of senior Petrotrin officials including Chairman Lindsay Gillette and President Khalid Hassanali visited the Pt. Sable and...
Posted On 10 Jan 2014
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Investigations Continue

As Petrotrin has already indicated, the preliminary investigative report into the incident is inaccurate and any inference that the line has not been inspected and/or maintained over the last 17 years is without merit. The marine facility plays a major part in the daily...
Posted On 10 Jan 2014
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Teaching Hospital San Fernando

Today, the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago officially opened the new Teaching Hospital at Chancery Lane. In August, 2011, the Honourable Prime Minister mandated that UDECOTT work in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and the South-West Regional Health Authority to...
Posted On 09 Jan 2014
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AG drafts new crime laws

ATTORNEY GENERAL (AG) Anand Ramlogan will this week write to the Opposition to propose a meeting for next week to talk about anti-crime legislation, in the wake of public disquiet over 20 murders occurring in the first week of 2014. However, talking yesterday to Newsday, Ramlogan...
Posted On 09 Jan 2014
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Official Launch of Rapid Response Unit

Today, the Ministry of National Security together with the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) officially launches the Rapid Response Unit (RRU). The RRU is a new crime-fighting measure that will assist law enforcement. It is geared towards a more timely and effective...
Posted On 07 Jan 2014
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