Statement by minister Ramnarine “Oil Spill Cover up”

Madam Deputy Speaker on January 29 2014 the Leader of the Opposition was reported in the media to have said that there was a cover up by Petrotrin, its Board and the Cabinet regarding events surrounding a series of oil spills that took place from December 17 2013 to the end of...
Posted On 01 Feb 2014
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Ramnarine slams Rowley again

Be more circumspect and less reckless in statements about the economy and the energy sector. This is the advice Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine had for Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday in Parliament. For the third time in as many days, Ramnarine slammed Rowley for hi...
Posted On 01 Feb 2014
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PNM has no crime plan; their record is abysmal

Keith Rowley’s contention as reported in the local media that his People’s National Movement (PNM) can “turn around” the crime problem in Trinidad and Tobago lacks credibility if only because of the PNM’s abysmal record in dealing with crime, PNM’s past collusion with criminals,...
Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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AG, UNC Youths launches ‘Live Yuh Life!’

The UNC Youths on a Mission under the patronage of Attorney General Anand Ramlogan launches its ‘Live Yuh Life!’ programme at Palmiste Park, San Fernando. This event will take place on Sunday 2nd February, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. and will feature a Health Walk, a Health Fair and a...
Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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Moonilal: UNC most stable under Kamla’s leadership

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s leadership of the United National Congress (UNC) has resulted in the party being the most stable it has ever been in history, says Government Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal. All executive posts for the UNC expired on January 24, 2014. The post...
Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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New teeth that will bite

THE EDITOR: In 2002, the murder rate in TT stood at 171 and has skyrocketed in 2008 where for the first time, the country crossed the 500 landmark for murders. Since then, there has been some decrease in murders to date but not significant enough to create the “free from fear”...
Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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PETROTRIN: There is no cover up

“THERE’S A PROCESS TO AN INVESTIGATION AND WE’RE FOLLOWING IT.” PETROTRIN has always been committed to transparency in all its operations. There is no cover up. However, Petrotrin is following best practice in its investigative procedure which dictates speed without compromising...
Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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Minister Ramnarine Reply to Parliamentary Question

MINISTER OF ENERGY KEVIN RAMNARINE  Reply to Parliamentary Question 42 of the 2013/2014 Session of Parliament The matter for the consideration of Cabinet is the oral reply to Question 42 of the Fourth Session (2013/2014) of the Tenth Parliament asked by Senator the Honourable...
Posted On 29 Jan 2014
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AG: Bandits, beware!

“Bandits, beware!” Following the passage of the Bail Amendment Bill (2013) yesterday in the Senate, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan warned all bandits and criminal elements in the country that they should think again before committing crimes against innocents as jail is certain...
Posted On 29 Jan 2014
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Statement on CELAC Summit

The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago today attended the II CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government in Havana, Cuba. After a scintillating performance by a Cuban Youth Orchestra playing a medley of Caribbean music...
Posted On 28 Jan 2014
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