
Opposition Leader: Have a wonderful and safe Carnival

Carnival 2023 marks the first major celebration of our national festival since the COVID-19 pandemic. As we celebrate, let’s all be our brothers’ keepers and watch out for one another. Please take heed of the safety guidelines listed by the Trinidad and Tobago Police...
Posted On 18 Feb 2023
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MP Rambally stands with Chaguanas West Farmers

FARMERS cultivating land at Soogrim Trace in Endeavour are calling on the authorities to take meaningful and urgent action to alleviate a rash of long-standing problems which threaten their livelihood. On Friday, several of the affected planters met with the Chaguanas West Member...
Posted On 14 Feb 2023
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MP PARAY: Government Incompetence in Licensing Back-up

The insanity of motorists having to join a vehicle waiting line from 5 p.m. the previous day for a routine licensing service is another indicator of the incompetence of the Rowley regime. Many vehicle owners are being forced to sit throughout the night outside of Licensing...
Posted On 09 Feb 2023
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M.P. Ameen calls shame on PM crocodile tears

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Ms. Khadijah Ameen is questioning Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s decision to throw the PNM controlled Diego Martin Regional Corporation under the bus after he claimed that he almost lost his Goodwood Park house due to a drain that the...
Posted On 09 Feb 2023
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Couva South Constituents Reject WASA “1 in 9 days” Water Supply

Today, I reject every dishonest, disingenuous idea that the Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (WASA) had resumed a regular water supply to Couva and environs. Just last evening, on Monday 6th February 2023, I held a meeting with constituents of Couva South to...
Posted On 08 Feb 2023
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PADARATH: RIC closed door consultations is a travesty to the process

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath says he is deeply concerned and troubled with the Regulated Industries Commission attempt to conceal the views of major stakeholders with the hosting of closed door consultations on the proposed increase in electricity rates. Padarath who is the...
Posted On 06 Feb 2023
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Opposition Leader sends condolences to Turkey and Syria after deadly earthquake

I am deeply saddened by the devastating loss of lives in Turkey and Syria following the earthquakes that struck both countries. Reports state that the death toll is 2,300 and climbing. At least 9,733 people in Turkey have been injured with a further 2,403 reported injuries in...
Posted On 06 Feb 2023
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With 1000 Murders under his watch Opposition renew calls for Hinds removal

Trinidad and Tobago has recorded the grim milestone of 1000 murders under Keith Rowley’s absurd appointee Fitzgerald Hinds. It was also the deadliest January in our history with 62 murders. Men, women and children are being slaughtered mercilessly in broad daylight. This...
Posted On 04 Feb 2023
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Opposition Leader: Armour cannot investigate himself

Armour’s competence and conduct have been called into question by two significant events: 1) The failure of the State to defend the malicious prosecution claim brought by persons who were freed by Justice Malcolm Holdip in the Vindra Naipaul-Coolman trial; and 2) His conflict of...
Posted On 03 Feb 2023
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Armour Compromised Beyond Redemption

In the last two days, the country has been overloaded with information that points to one undeniable fact – Reginald Armour is compromised beyond redemption and unfit to hold office as Attorney General. And whilst he issues a series of press releases about his attempts to...
Posted On 03 Feb 2023
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